Chapter 19: With love on the line 3

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Hello Everyoneee!!!

I am sorry for the late update. Last week I thought I have written enough for this chapter, but later I got disappointed when I found out that I should have written more, so I gave myself an extra week to continue writing. 😁

Thank you so much for all the votes and the comments!! They always make my day 💕💕💕

I hope you enjoy this chapter. 





8 years ago...

A 25-year-old Jeong Hyeok paced nervously back and forth in front of an agency building. His heart raced as he anticipated the outcome of Eun Ji's meeting inside. 

Moments later, a man emerged, accompanied by a 21-year-old Eun Ji. Jeong Hyeok's own anxiety intensified upon seeing their expressions.

"So, what happened?" Jeong Hyeok asked, his voice betraying his nervousness.

"Oppa what are you doing here?"

"I was able to sneak out of work." Jeong Hyeok smiled sheepishly.

"So? Tell me, what happened?" Jeong Hyeok asked again his nervousness eating him out.

Eun Ji stared at him momentarily, her eyes lighting up with excitement. "THEY TOOK ME IN, OPPA!"

Jeong Hyeok's face broke into a wide grin, relief washing over him. He pulled Eun Ji into a tight embrace, planting a kiss on the side of her head. "Wow, that's amazing! Good job!"

Eun Ji's excitement bubbled over. "I can't believe it, Oppa."

Turning to the man who had joined them, Eun Ji exclaimed, "Man Bok Oppa will be my manager!"

Jeong Hyeok bowed gratefully to Man Bok, a man he once called his friend. "Hyung, thank you so much for helping Eun Ji."

Man Bok smiled warmly and patted Jeong Hyeok on the shoulder. "Eun Ji has a talent that should be utilized." He then shifted his gaze to Eun Ji and offered a gentle smile.




A few days later, in the park, Jeong Hyeok and Eun Ji strolled hand in hand, basking in the fresh air and peaceful atmosphere.

"It's just a small role," Eun Ji pouted, her disappointment evident.

Jeong Hyeok gently squeezed her hand, his smile reassuring. 

"It's fine, Eun Ji-ah. It's a good start, isn't it?"

"But why can't they give me a chance for a bigger role?" Eun Ji protested.

"They are giving you a chance," Jeong Hyeok reassured her. "You'll prove yourself with this role, and in time, you'll have even bigger opportunities. Everyone starts from a small place before they reach greater heights."

Eun Ji sighed not really convinced.

"Not everyone gets a role immediately, and you did it." Jeong Hyeok added in an attempt to make her feel better, but Eun Ji understood it in a totally different way.

"Do you mean that I am being ungrateful?" Eun Ji asked her brows frowning.

Jeong Hyeok's eyes widened. He quickly said "No I didn't mean that. I just meant that you are talented that's why they gave you the role. Not everyone gets this chance because they are not like you."

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