Chapter 14: With love on the line 2

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I'm back!! I am so so sorry for the delay, but I have been busy preparing my portfolio for my university application and I was running short on time. 🥲 Unfortunately, this meant that I had to prioritize my application and put my writing on hold, which is why I was unable to continue with the chapter until last week.

Thank you so much for your patience and for those who liked and commented on the previous chapter. 💕💕💕💕 I am sorry I couldn't reply to the comments, but I will try my best to stay up to date from now on, and hopefully, nothing comes in the way 🤞🏻🤞🏻.

I have a suggestion that I think might be helpful, and if you would like me to do it then I am all in for it. If I am unable to update in 2 to 3 weeks, would you like me to post an announcement to update you guys about the progress and the expected update date?

Please enjoy the chapter 💕💕




After Jeong Hyeok dropped Seri at her work and he went back to his restaurant...

A man in a suit entered the restaurant. He didn't look like a customer. He was looking around searching for someone. And that caught Jeong Hyeok's attention.

"Hello, Sir, where would you prefer to sit" One of the waiters approached the man.

"I am looking for..." He looked at the paper in his hand "Ri Jeong Hyeok-ssi."

The man in question approached them and introduced himself.

"Hello, I am Ri Jeong Hyeok. How can I help you?"

"I am Hwang Min Gi from MAF &co."

Both men shook hands. 

"I am sorry I came unannounced. I tried to meet you before the holiday, but you weren't there. And I thought it is better to have a chat before the new year's holiday."

"Sure, please have a seat." They sat on one of the tables.

Jeong Hyeok had already figured out why this man was looking for him. He was from the company that owned half of the shopping centers and malls in the country.

He prayed that he wouldn't have to sit and listen to the man beating around the bush, for it was really difficult for him to watch the restaurant being taken away from him, and he wouldn't be able to handle anyone from the other side sugarcoating their words to "make him feel better".

"I would like to introduce MAF &co. first to you before we start" He handed him his business card and then continued. 

"MAF &co. partners with companies that would like to construct shopping centers and malls. We aid them in getting stores to open on their properties. Every year we receive tons of requests from stores to open in one of the malls we have, but we always go for the best."

"As you have already received the warning Mr. Ri, I would like to discuss some points with you, maybe we can reach an agreement." Mr. Hwang said hopefully.

"Agreement for what? Didn't your company buy the property? They decided to kick us out, we didn't complain, so what's there to discuss?"

Mr. Hwang chuckled confidently at Jeong Hyeok's response. 

"You are wrong Mr. Ri. MAF &co. didn't buy the property we bought some of the shares after our partner bought the whole place. You see, we help companies set up their new projects, but MAF &co. don't buy properties."

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