Chapter 13: With love on the line

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Hello Everyone, I am back with chapter 14. Sorry for the late update, but I was going through the previous chapters as I felt like I lost track of the story. 

This chapter was longer than that, but then I decided to divide it into two chapters cause I didn't want to bore you🤣😬.

Thank you for reading, voting, and commenting.💕💕💕 I am really grateful. 💕💕💕💕

Please enjoy this chapter 😁




Everyone returned to Seoul.

Work was piling up on the CEOs' desks. Even though, it was the end of the year, for Seri's choice it was the peak time.

Joo Meok was in the process of moving to Min So's house, Seo Dan and Seung Joon started preparing for their wedding, and Seri and Jeong Hyeok were enjoying their 'honeymoon' phase.

The moment Seri stepped into the office, she made her calls to know who bought Jeong Hyeok's building, but her tries went futile.

As she promised, she wanted to find the person and let Jeong Hyeok handle the rest, she didn't want to interfere... or that was the plan at least.




Hearing a knock on her door, Seri looked up from her work and called the person in.

"I hope I am not disturbing you Daepyonim. Do you have a minute?"

"Gwang Hyeok-ssi? Of course. Please have a seat" She gestured for him to sit down.

"Daepyonim while you were away Yoon Se Hyung-ssi came here. He wanted to see you."

"Let me guess he created a scene."

Gwang Hyeok nodded looking down. He felt so bad for his boss. Se Hyung was one of the worst people he dealt with.

"What does he want?"

"He didn't say, but he made it clear that he wanted to meet you"

Seri scoffed. 

"Oh, a visit I will surely make. Let him be, I will deal with him. Anything else happened in my absence? "

"Here is the report for all the departments' updates. I have already emailed you the soft copy, but I know how much you like papers" Gwang Hyeok joked making Seri chuckle. 

She thanked him, took the report, and skimmed through it while she listened to the other updates.

"Mr. Hwang called. He wants to set a meeting with you and Joo Meok Daepyonim."

"He rejected our offer last time, why does he want to have a meeting now?" Seri asked a bit surprised.

"He said he is thinking again about the offer, and it would be better if he meets with you"

"Ok then, please can you set a meeting with him as soon as possible? Let's listen to his terms. And please inform Seung Joon about it. Since he is here, it is better for him to join instead of briefing him."

"Sure Daepyonim, I will inform him."

"But first check if he is free, he is preparing for his wedding." Seri said smiling remembering her friends.

"Oh! congratulations! I hope for Seung Joon Daepyonim a happy life with his fiancé"

"Thank you Gwang Hyeok-ssi."

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