Nowhere Left to Run

Start from the beginning

Prowler: Nowhere left to run.

Prowler grabs Miles by the throat- dragging him across the roof as tiles fall of in their wake. As they stands- Miles' feet barely grasp the edge of the roof. As Prowler moves for the killing blow- his gauntlet is stopped by a web.

Prowler: Huh?

He turns backwards- only to find Y/n (barely able to stand) using a web to hold back his metal claws.

Y/n: Mask!

Understanding Y/n's command, Miles removes his mask when Prowler turns back to him. Y/n let's go of the web attached to Davis, exhausted.

Prowler: Miles?

Miles Morales: Uncle Aaron.

Aaron takes off his mask as well, meeting the eyes of his terrified nephew. Y/n watches on, ever cautious of the villain.

Aaron Davis: Oh no no no no...

Miles Morales: Please Uncle Aaron.

Kingpin calls Aaron from his car below, watching the standoff. He is unable to see the injured Y/n as he is hidden by the slant of the roof.

Kingpin: Prowler, what are you waiting for? Finish it.

After a long beat, Aaron pulls down Miles' mask, and backs away, his hands up. Y/n spider-sense beats out of his head as he spots Kingpin stood in the road with a pistol.

Y/n: NO!

Y/n sprints to save Aaron, but his injuries get the better of him as his legs buckle and he falls off of the roof. Aaron smiles at Miles before the loud bang of Kingpin's gun goes off. Aaron's eyes go wide as he falls back. Fisk then aims at Miles but Peter swings in and knocks Kingpin down.

Peter B. Parker: Get out of here!

Miles scoops up Aaron and swings away as Peter helps Y/n up off of the pavement. In a nearby alley, Miles kneels crestfallen over the body of his dying uncle.

Aaron Davis: Miles...

Miles Morales: Uncle Aaron. This is my fault.

Aaron Davis: No Miles. I'm sorry. I wanted you to look up to me. I let you down, man, I let you down. You're the best of all of us, Miles. You're on your way. Just... keep going... just keep going...

With Miles at his side, he dies. Despite the circumstances, Aaron is allowed a peaceful exit, confident in the knowledge that his nephew has been set on the right path.

Jefferson Davis: Hands up! Put your arms up now!

At the head of the alley stands Officer Davis, gun raised at the figure who he does not know to be his son. Miles stands but doesn't turn around.

Jefferson David: Turn around.

Miles instinctively camouflages before donning his mask and getting the hell out of there. Jeff looks around, unable to see him.

Jefferson Davis: Hey! Hey!

But as he advances, he sees who the dead man is. The cop falls to his brother's side, devastated at the sight.

Jefferson Davis: Aaron? Aaron. No... No.

Jeff touches his brother's face, and recoils. The reality of the moment only now setting in. Still camouflaged, Miles sees the grief on his father's face harden to rage. He turns on his shoulder radio.

Jefferson Davis: All units. I want an APB on a new Spider-Man.

Back in the Spider-Lab, Y/n stands in civilian clothes (including the denim jacket that seems to never leave his person) as he stitches up the leg of his suit and spray paints it to hide the blood stains.

Peter B. Parker: You feeling any better?

Y/n: Still stings, but I'm good enough to get back to Spider-Manning.

Peter B. Parker: You sure?

Y/n: I'm sure.

During the exchange, Peter was not above noticing that Y/n had not looked up from his work. Barely lacing any emotion into his words. Peter turns him around by the shoulder, forcing eye contact.

Peter B. Parker: What's going on?

Y/n: Miles just lost his uncle. You know what that means.

Peter sighs, seeming almost irritated. He walks to the centre of the lab and calls for the attention of all the other Spider-People. Gwen swings down from above to join Y/n as he continues his repairs, not paying attention to Peter.

Gwen Stacy: Hey, what's going on?

Y/n nods to Peter instead of replying. Gwen does appreciate the lack of response and rolls her eyes, shifting her attention to the central Spider.

Peter B. Parker: Miles' uncle just died. Now, we know from experience what happens when one of us loses a loved one.

Brief looks of sadness pass over the faces of all seven Spider-People. It is this sentence that gets Y/n to look up from his ripped suit, absorbed in Peter's speech.

Peter B. Parker: It's hard. We never had anyone that understood how it felt.

Y/n: But he does.

The others turn to Y/n who had conveniently changed into his Spider-Suit while no one else was looking.

Y/n: We gotta go, now. He needs us.

Peter B. Parker: Yeah, that's... what I was gonna say...

The Spider-People begin to move out, Gwen and Y/n are the last two remaining. Gwen prepares to leave, but Y/n takes her hand before she can go.

Y/n: Hey. I never thanked you. For keeping me safe.

Gwen Stacy: You were hurt. It's what we do.

Y/n: I'm not just talking about earlier. Ever since we got here you've been looking out for me. And I just want you to know that I really appreciate it.

Gwen smiles. She takes Y/n's mask from the table and pulls it over his face, kissing it's forehead. Y/n sheepishly pulls his hood up as Gwen take the same procedures for herself. The two exit the lab, catching up with the others.

Gwen Stacy: So do I...

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