Chapter 8

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8. Mystery Girl

Warning: this chapter contains smut (including a blowjob, sex and a praising kink because... go hoe or go home)

"What?" Historia had her eyes widened in shock as you giggled at her expression. "No way!" She exclaimed before leaning towards me and whispered. "No way you're dating a professor!"

You shrugged and took a sip of your American Coffee. After getting to the bar with her, you started talking about everything that had been going on since you had met at the party. Talking to her was so easy, it felt as if you had known each other for years.

She had this kind of aura around her, not to mention her cheerful attitude that had somehow improved your mood even if the last days had been very stressful. It was so comforting that you ended up telling her everything about Eren and Jean and Mikasa, you just needed someone to talk to at that point.

She was such a sweetheart, she listened to you and waited till the end to comment, you didn't really know how she would've reacted so you could only hope that she would've kept it to herself.

"Wow." She muttered. "That's... a lot. And you didn't tell anybody? I would've exploded." She commented impressed and you nodded. "I mean, your best friend would judge you?"

"It's not even judging, it's just that she has a crush on him too." You explained and she rolled her eyes. "I know she'd be pissed, Eren's the only man I've ever seen her liking so I don't know if she'd ever forgive me."

She tilted her head. "I don't understand though, it's not like she made a move on him or anything like that, she didn't explicitly tell you that she liked him so... what's the problem?"

You blinked confused. "Well, I'm not sure she'll see it that way."

"Then she's not a real friend, is she? I would be happy for my friend and I'd be mad with myself because I didn't make a move in time. Also, how is it your fault if Eren picked you instead of her when you had never tried anything with him to begin with? I get it if she feels sad and everything, but if she's as mature as you claim she is, she'll definitely come around." She grabbed your hand and squeezed it.

That was also true, you had never looked at it that way, probably because you were too afraid of her reaction, to begin with. "You're probably right, I should definitely talk to her but I really need to find a good time to do so." You took a deep breath and placed your head against the palm of your hand, why were things so complicated?

"I get it, give it time and try to enjoy your relationship, by the sound of it you guys seem so in love." She said with a dreamy voice, you nodded with a giggle before taking another sip of coffee. "For anything, you can always talk to me although I'm not much of a talker, I'm actually pretty shy."

"Really?" You asked surprised, she didn't look like a shy person at all, after all, she was the one who talked to you first and helped you in a moment of need. "I would've never thought that! You are such a nice and direct person!"

She shrugged with a big smile on her face. "It's probably because of my girlfriend, she always teaches me how to speak up and never let anyone step on me, you know?"

"You have a girlfriend?" She nodded and you squeezed her hand. "That's great! Have you guys been together for a long time?"

"A year and two months, we clicked almost immediately and got together. She's the best, I think you two would get along pretty well, she dropped out of college so it's hard to see her around, but if you give me your number I'll make sure to invite you next time we hang out." She proposed as she handed me her phone, it was probably the most genuine invite you had received all week. If you couldn't spend time with your friend group because of Jean, you surely could make new friends instead.

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