Chapter 6

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6. Risks

That was the easy part, the tricky one was facing Mikasa after that night. Eren was very understanding of the situation, he even drove you back home as soon as you woke up and had breakfast.

"We should keep this a secret from everyone." He had said while he was driving, which you agreed to immediately, if word spread out about your relationship things could get messy, mostly with your friends. "I don't want to pressure you in any way, but this is the safest way for everyone."

"I'm very well aware of that as well." You had replied with a nod, it was going to be very hard for sure but you could last for... as long as you were together, you didn't even know how long that relationship was going to last. But you didn't have time to think about that, the present counted way more than the future at that point. "Besides, I wasn't going to tell Mikasa either way, she would've gotten mad at me."

He frowned. "I can see why, getting with a professor is both risky and unprofessional."

But that wasn't the point, once again. If you had a crush on any other professor you were sure Mikasa wouldn't have bat an eye but since it was Eren you were talking about, she would've been so mad. "Yeah, that."

Even at that moment, in your apartment and in front of your best friend, you found it very hard to look her in the eyes and lie.

She was sipping her black coffee while staring at you, it was a funny scene really, seeing how you were still wearing your clothes from the night before since you couldn't possibly wear Eren's ones. "So, you were with a girl you don't even remember?" She asked, she didn't sound angry just worried.

You pouted. "Basically, she was nice too, I just can't remember the name." You shrugged and sat at the table. "I'm sorry, I just needed to clear my mind."

She placed her cup on the table and sighed. "I got that part, but I would've preferred if you came to me." At that point, she looked just sad, which was understandable but she couldn't understand how. hard it was to open up to her when it came to love in general.

"I know, I was awful, I was so shaken up by what happened that I didn't really think straight." It was a lame excuse, but what could you do about it?

You didn't feel like telling her about your worries, it was difficult to explain how uncomfortable you were at the idea of talking about Jean to the very girl he obviously had a thing for.

"So, what happened? Why did you run away like that in the first place?"

A loud sigh escaped your lips, thinking about everything that had happened made your head hurt. "I was drunk and kissed Jean for some weird reason just to realize that I don't feel anything for him anymore, I was embarrassed and confused so yeah, I wanted to leave."

She shook her head, as if she was having trouble understanding you, which was probably true. "Alright, so you kissed him and then walked away, that's why he came to me all panicked."

You opened your mouth and closed it back not knowing exactly what to say, were you surprised? Not one bit, of course, he went to complain to her. But at that point, it didn't even matter anymore, you didn't care.

"I'll talk to him and explain everything. Now I really want to take a shower and sleep." You didn't have classes so you weren't too worried about it, that way you could rest and think about some excuses to use so you could explain your weird behavior. "I'll see you later." And with that, you got up and waved your hand before going to your room.

Mikasa didn't object, which was exactly what you needed. As soon as you closed the door, a smile appeared on your face, you were incredibly happy after everything that had happened.

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