Mothra x Hokmuto

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(Hey, it's my first Mothra request, and it isn't with Godzilla. I'm surprised with the second half of that.)

"Hanson.🎶" A whimsical female voice sang, in an attempt to wake her partner. "Mmmm... just one more minute, please Mothra...." a male voice grumbled; Hanson. Mothra put one of her clawed legs to her mouth and chuckled, before crawling onto his back, making him groan. She wasn't heavy, and he wasn't sore, he just didn't like it whenever he felt her insect legs on his vertebra. "Mothra, get off my back." "Mmmmm, no." Mother teased, before laying down on top of him. Hanson's red eyes illuminated, signifying he was awake now, and he groaned again before yawning. "Why do we have to get up anyway? It's not like he'll drag his sorry lizard ass over here." "You know how Godzilla gets, Hanson. He had the mercy to spare you of all Muto. You can at least repay him for that." Mother said, crawling off his back and going up to the exit of her and Hanson's temple, the latter looked away and scoffed a little at the memory before mumbling to himself "Only because you asked him to." "And look where you are now," Mothra said, a bit of smugness in her posture, Hanson smiled internally. "The happiest, and only Hokmuto in the world," he said, before finally stretching his wings and flapping up beside her. Mothra smiled when he was at her side, before rubbing his smooth head, and then flapping up into the sky, Hanson soon flying up beside her. "Alright, now, where is this iguana?" "Around one of the Hollow Earth entryways." Mothers said, both going higher up until reaching the clouds. "Alright, honey, you lead the way," Hanson said, just as they went above the clouds.


A roar reached the heavens, swooping down on black and grey leather wings with clawed forelimbs went at the source immediately; a massive bipedal lizard, with rigged, sharp dorsal plates along his back. The latter was a younger Hanson and the former was Godzilla, who growled before narrowly ducking under his claw swipe, and whipping his tail up in an attempt to hit Hanson, who just as narrowly turned and evaded, only to be grabbed by his ankle and feel the sharp teeth and bone crushing bite of Godzilla, before almost having his foot be ripped off when he was pulled down to the ground. Hanson screamed when he hit the earth, before being dragged towards the roided-up rage gator to be ripped in half most likely, but his savior was at his own two claws as he slashed Godzilla in the gills, disorienting him enough for Hanson to get up and attempt taking off on a broken foot, which he successfully did. Godzilla growled in frustration before blasting his opponent in the back with his weakened atomic breath, which despite how weak it was from afar, could be dangerous up close like a blow torch. Hanson's back burned, his "exoskeleton" taking the brunt of it, but his wings weren't so resistant as they were burned holes, fumbling him into a tail strike. Hanson came hurdling down head-first into the ground, before weakly trying to get up, and then feeling a foot be pressed on his seared back, and him emitting a small scream before being pinned. Godzilla had a burning fury in his eyes, as he seemed ready to finish Hanson off, having already killed the Femuto; Naniko. Hanson growled at his weakness, he was practically incapable of fighting alone; Mutos were meant to fight as a duet; Husband and Wife, without the other aren't completely efficient. It was sort of a heartwarming thing, though it was short-lived. The humming as Godzilla pushed himself to charge a blast of atomic breath was, and he was ready to end it when he was interrupted by a shrilled screech, and a flash of light blinded him momentarily, in his blindness he paced backward, getting off Hanson, who was about to fly off in retreat, but was quickly pinned down by webbing. He was shocked and confused about this, he looked around the best he could and saw for a moment large wings that dwarfed him and his own, before landing in front of him was an insect whose body was smaller than him, but the owner of the wings he'd seen for a moment, and probably the one that'd webbed him to the floor. "Mothra?? What the hell! I was just about to finish this! Why'd you blind me?!" Godzilla shouted, heated at the seeming betrayal, and from the battle. "You have already won, yet you were going to kill him anyway," Mothra spoke in a calm and patient tone, while Hanson was busy trying to get out. Godzilla looked over Mothra at him as he did, and seemed pissed and tried going around before being cut off again, this time Mothra had her wings stretched to shield Hanson. "This fight is over. There will be no need for further killing, Godzilla." she now spoke with more authority, the latter growled before roaring right in her face; she seemed unaffected by it. He growled a bit "How so?" he grumbled out. "You've killed the female and the nest. He is without anything and has no purpose now. You've beaten him." "He's still a threat. He may be unable to become a Mushi, but you still advised me to keep Barb alive too. Why do you even care to save these... Pests?" "To keep the peace, and, to avoid more extinction. All life, whether it be Titan or disease is precious to me. You won't have to worry about him finding Barb, I'll be keeping a watchful eye on him." Godzilla snarled before standing up to his full height. "Keep him in wraps for a while; figuratively, and literally. When you assess that he won't try anything, then you can untie him. Afterward, consider him an assistant." Godzilla said before parting off back to the ocean. Hanson tried getting out still before being webbed some more, confusing him. "I'd advise you to stop struggling for a while, it will make the wrapping harder, and I might accidentally stab you somewhere." Mothra now was speaking in a completely soft voice from earlier. "Why are you saving me?" "I've already given my reason. I hope you can think of this, not as me underestimating your kind, but as a chance to start anew. I hope also that you will not take advantage of my kindness." Hanson didn't respond and just let himself be tied up from there before being taken away by Mothra.

From there, he and her talked, learned, and grew some form of love for each other. Even if the reality that Mothra would outlive Hanson was known well between them, God forbid that they wouldn't make it last.

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