Godzilla (Gojiran [KG]) x Male Reader (🍋)

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The Request:

Remember, these are my versions

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Remember, these are my versions. But the Art above is not mine.

Gojiran was busy training, as she usually was whenever she had free time. Perfecting her close quarters, hand-to-hand, and if she remembers, bettering her sword skills. Despite how much she claims the sword she has is important to her; it being her own deceased father's, she barely even actually uses it in combat, mainly opting to use her fists. She hit the trunk of the tree she was using before with one last punch parting ways with it, leaving a dent that splintered it. She caught her breath before wiping the sweat off her head, and it was followed by an impressed whistle to her left. She turned her head to look at the one who made the whistle, and it was none other than Y/n, who had snuck up on her like he usually did when she left to train and was laying on her boulder like a cat, or like his sister.

Y/n: I'm seeing some improvement from you. But, you still need to work on that sword skill.
Gojiran: Get off my boulder.

Y/n put up his hands and rolled off it, followed by an oof, before getting up and leaning against a tree. Gojiran kept a watchful eye on him, before grabbing her father's sword and walking to the boulder. She seemed intimidated by it, as it seemed so much bigger than her, as it brought her back to when she was a little girl on that fateful day, she drew out her sword; a katana, and muttered the words her father last spoke before going to that war "Cut this boulder, and you may join me on the battlefield." she calmed her breathing, calmed herself, steadied, and in a flash, swung at the boulder, and when the blade crashed against it, it remained in one piece. Gojiran growled as she got frustrated, before beating the blade against the boulder, trying to cut it, or, just to punish it or punish the blade. Y/n thought it was entertaining, but he couldn't laugh at the pain this brought to her emotionally. He was like her after all. He wished to join his father, King Balgan, as he was called, but couldn't for he wasn't of age or strong enough. And despite how much he trained, he still felt weak from his birth defect. He couldn't reflect any attacks from his eyes, he couldn't leap over hills or up mountains effortlessly, and he was half-baked when it came to his fighting skills. He sighed before getting off his tree and walking up to the taller Queen of the Monsters as she seemed to be calming down, and placed a hand on her shoulder. "I think that's enough training for you today," Y/n said, Gojiran looked like she wanted to object, but she sighed defeatedly before looking at that boulder. "It's not fair." "What's unfair?" "This boulder. It stands so untouched and yet look at me. Cut and bruised, working my body till it bleeds and repairs itself. I've cut fields of trees with less effort, and yet, I can't seem to lay a scratch on it." Y/n looked at the boulder, it did still stand unscathed, seemingly taunting her like that Space Princess bitch, the daughter of the one-eyed bastard her father nearly died to, Keizer, Queen Gidrah. He growled at the thought of her, one moment when she found out about him, she nearly killed him, and he had to stay in Mothra's grotto, inside her pool of healing, for almost a month. He was too weak to defend himself at that moment, and he sure didn't feel all too much stronger now. Y/n snatched the katana from Gojiran's hand and much to both her anger and shock he had the balls to. He stood at the East side of the boulder and did a more sloppy version of Gojiran's prep, took a sloppier version of her stance, and swung down on the boulder, only for the vibrations to get him to drop the sword, which seeing Y/n fail to do it himself made her chuckle, which it seemed he was the only kaiju to get a response from her like that.

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