7. You're art.

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I swear you're so beautiful in ways only artists can understand.
And uncultured people who say the opposite are the ones I just can't stand.
'Cause in you I can see every single art movement that's worth of remembering
The roman sculptures are what the way your hair curls are resembling.
And the light in your eyes is carrying big emotions, just like the naturalism
I believe that if I could paint you and put you in a museum, you'd be the center of tourism.
Yet I'm just nobody
holding dear to some pieces of paper
because drawing you is easier than accepting that you're gonna be just my next heartbreaker.
So in the daylight I draw, and I put you in every single one I make
and then I write poetry about you, when I lay in bed awake.
My mind is telling me you're just a distraction
but my heart looks up to you: for none else it ever felt this kind of attraction.
You're art, darling, that is undeniably true.
And i'm fond of art, just not as fond as I am of you.

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