6. Self-love

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None ever notices how much of a great catch I am,
as if I, as a whole, wasn't worth not a single damn.
But only I will ever know that my eyes shine when I'm excited.
That if you say something as simple as "this made me think of you" then my whole day is brightened.
That I'm shy but I'll show the world my awkwardly weird side when my favorite song starts playing.
And that my stubborn golden heart won't give up on people, even when I know I shouldn't be staying.
That i run out easily of social battery
but it can fill up again if I spend time with the right crew,
or that I'm such a great listener, and I would NEVER, judge you.
So for tonight here's to myself,
'cause I don't think I'll ever stress enough about me.
My self worth is not up to debate, so if that's your intention, here's the door, you can leave.

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