Chapter 26

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The morning following Pierre's return home, he wakes up before Jessica and Genève. He smiles as he glances at the two of them, Genève sprawled out across her bed and Jess with her head laid on his stomach. The frenchman enjoys the simple moment of being in the presence of his wife and daughter. Pierre was too lost in his thoughts to even realize that Jessica was awake until she peppered kisses all over his face. "That's nice." Pierre smiles, being pulled out of his thoughts. "I'm glad your home. I've missed you and so has Genève." Jessica smiles.

"I've missed you both too." Pierre grins as he gently kisses Jess. "When Genève wakes up, you can have cuddles. The past 2 days, all she wants before bed is cuddles from her daddy. I've had to give her a shirt of yours to cuddle before her naps." Jess chuckles, laying ontop of Pierre and hugging him. "I cant wait to have cuddles with my daughter and my wife." Pierre smiles, kissing the top of her head. "I'm happy your home for 3 weeks, P." Jess smiles, burying her face into her husband's chest. "Me too, baby. Me too." Pierre smiles softly kissing the top of Jess' head.

Laid in Pierre's arms, Jessica falls back to sleep while Genève was still flat out. Pierre smiles at the scene of his daughter and wife sleeping in the same position. Both with small pouts and their brows scrunched together. Pierre couldn't believe how lucky he got in life, not only did he marry his best friend but they now have a gorgeous little girl.

Lost in his thoughts, Pierre was brought out of them by Genève's cries fill the room. Without disturbing Jess too much, Pierre reaches over and picks Genève up and lays her in his arms. Instantly, the 1 month old girl settles down before opening her eyes. When hers meet Pierre, she grins widely. "Well hello there my little girl. Look at that smile." Pierre whispers, gently kissing his daughter's forehead. Genève giggles at her father while they interact as Jessica sleeps on his chest.

Once Jess had woken up, Pierre passed Genève to her so she could feed her before they decided to go out for the day. With his hand on the handle of Genève's pram, Pierre's other holds Jessica's. "Where to exactly?" the girl asks, looking up at her husband. "Anywhere. Maybe breakfast first." Pierre chuckles as the female McLaren driver nods. "Yes, I'm hungry." she grins.

With Genève's pram beside him, Pierre picks the little girl up and stands her on the table as his hands hold onto her waist. Jessica smiles at her daughter as her little giggles and laughs escape her lips. "She's really missed her daddy, I think." Jessica smiles, looking the little light in Genève's eyes. "And I miss both my girls. Not just my daughter." Pierre smiles, leaning over and gently pecking Jess' lips.

"I missed you loads." Jess smiles, leaning her forehead against Pierre's. "Me too, love. I won for you two." the frenchman grins. "I know you did. I'm so proud of you." Jess says, placing a loving kissing on her husband's lips. Genève screams before laughing at her parents. The two pull apart before turning to their daughter and laughing at her. "I think someone loves seeing us all loved up." Jessica smiles before tickling the 1 month old's stomach then turning to Pierre. "When we get home later and Genève is down for her nap, can we talk about something." Jessica says in a serious tone. "Sure. Hopefully it's nothing I've done." Pierre chuckles as does Jessica while she shakes her head. "It's going to be good in your eyes, I promise." the teesside girl laughs.

Breakfast and a little walk was a success, Genève fell asleep on the way back so once they reached home, Pierre and Jess left their daughter in her pram while they went to the kitchen. "What did you want to talk about then?" Pierre asks, handing Jessica a cup of coffee as she leans against the counter. "Well, once Genève is a bit older, maybe around 6 or 7 months, I was thinking we could try IVF and possibly have another baby. I know we originally agreed on only having one and trying naturally would mean a risk of a miscarriage again but look at how you are with Genève. You're a great dad, Pierre. And IVF is the best option, despite my chances of another miscarriage. But, it's worth a shot to grow our family." Jess explains.

After listening, Pierre smiles widely before carefully placing his coffee down. "Seriously?" he asks. "I'm serious." Jess giggles before putting her cup down only to then be lifted off the ground by Pierre. "That's amazing baby!" Pierre exclaims, looking up at his wife as she looks down at him before pressing her lips against his. "But only in a few months." Jessica says seriously, pulling away from the kiss. "A few months. But if you can't conceive another or have a miscarriage again, it's okay. We have Genève, our little miracle. Everything is perfect." Pierre smiles placing her down before pulling her close to him by her waist. "It is. Our life is perfect and so is our little family." Jessica smiles, wrapping her arms around Pierre's waist as she rests her head on her chest.

Pierre rests his chin ontop of her head until Genève's cries pull them out their moment. "She's just hungry. Once she's had her feed, she'll be back asleep." Jess smiles, pulling away from the hug and heading over to Genève to feed her. The frenchman simply watches at his brunette wife and daughter and smiles at the two of them.

After feeding Genève, Jessica lays the baby in Pierre's arms after he sat down next to her. The british girl lays her head on her french husband's shoulder and watched as Genève drifted back off to sleep in the comfort of her father's arms. "I love us together when we can be together." Jess whispers, not wanting to wake Genève. "Me too, love. When's Genève's next appointment?" Pierre asks, turning to look down at Jess. "Wednesday. They said at her one month appointment she's looking good and might be able to travel when she's 2 months to races and I can return to the track to watch you." the brown-eyed girl smiles. "I can't wait." Pierre says, kissing the top of his wife's head.

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