Chapter 25

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The final race before the three week break approached and Jessica had Genève down for her afternoon nap while she had the race on the TV. The 1 month old girl was laid cuddling with her alpine blanket that Pierre was given just before Genève was born. As her swing rocks, Jess cuddles under her blanket that was placed across her legs while sitting on the couch. "Come on baby. You can do this." Jessica whispers to herself as Pierre is currently on P3. He had a good start to the race after qualifying P5 the day before moving straight up to P3, passing Yuki and Zhou.

As Max and Lando pit, Pierre instantly takes the lead of the race causing Jess to jump with joy. With the slowpit stop from Max, Pierre managed to open the lead but Lando was still close behind. As the checkered flag waves, Jessica cheers as she watches Pierre's car cross the finish line. The girl smiles wide as Pierre celebrates on his team radio.


You did it baby!
Me and Genève are so proud
eventhough she slept through the
whole race x

The girl watches the post race interviews as her eyes shimmer with pride as Pierre comes onto the TV and does his interview. "Now, we know Jessica hasn't returned since having your baby. Are you hoping they've were watching?" Naomi Schiff asks. "I'm not hoping, I know they are watching. The lads have been complaining to Jess not being here but she has been recovering from having our baby. This win is for them and I can't wait to spend the next three weeks at home with my girls tonight." Pierre smiles

The british brunette girl smiles and finishes watching the end of the race and turns the TV off in time just as Genève wakes up. "Why hello my sweet girl. Daddy's coming home today." Jessica smiles as she picks her daughter up and carries her over to the couch, laying her on her lap. Genève smiles as she looks at Jessica and the young mum can't help but notice how much her daughter has Pierre's eye colour. "You truly have daddy's eye colour don't you." Jess grins before placing multiple kisses on her little girl's face as the young baby laughs.

The rest of the day consists of Jessica and Genève continuing to bond and share laughs. Once the baby was done for the night, Jess was laid in bed when Pierre messaged


Thanks love x
I saw you messaged and was meaning
to answer when i got to the hotel but
immediately passed out x

I'm on my way to you and Genève now
I'll see you both soon x

I can't wait my love x

Jess sits her phone back on the beside table before rolling over and looking at her sleeping daughter before falling asleep.

Early the next morning, Pierre returns from his latest F1 race and victory. The house was quiet when he walked in, making him realized Jess and Genève were dead asleep since it was only 2 in the morning. Silently, he makes his way upstairs while leaving his bags by the front door with his shoes.

In his bedroom, Pierre smiles when he walks inside. His sight immediately lands on Jess cuddled under the duvet wearing one of his shirts with Genève snuggling under her blanket. Smiling at the fact Genève is exactly like Jess when asleep. Quickly changing, Pierre climbs into bed and laying beside her wife. Jess rolls over but accidentally bumps into him. The frenchman smiles before wrapping his arm around her and pulling her closer to him so she's layed on his chest. Pierre smiles and gently kisses her head before reaching over to Genève and softly stroking her cheek before falling asleep himself.

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