Chapter 18

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The following afternoon after Genève was born, she was able to be took home by Pierre and Jessica. As Jess made sure she had everything she brought with her, Pierre placed Genève in her car seat. "Okay, do you have everything?" Pierre asks, picking up the car seat as his daughter slept. "Yeah. Can't wait to be home with our little family." Jessica smiles as she grabs her bag which Pierre takes and places over his shoulder. "Let's get this new life at home started." the frenchman smiles before kissing Jessica and the couple walk out the room.

Walking down the hall, Jess couldn't help but smile at the sight of Pierre as he walks down the hospital corridor with Genève's carseat in hand. The girl quickly gets a photo of the sight infront of her before catching up to them. "Ready?" Pierre asks, taking Jess' hand into his. "Yeah. Absolutely." the girl smiles before looking at her daughter who's sleeping while wrapped up in her carseat. "I'll sit in the back with Genève while you drive us home." Jess smiles.

Pierre places the newborn girl in the car before putting Jess' bag in the footwell as the new mother gets into the seat beside the baby. "Let's get home and enjoy these next few weeks together." Pierre grins as he begins to drive back to their home.  "Our little life as a family of 3 begins." Jess smiles, as she admires her daughter. "I have 2 weeks until the next race so spend it with you and Genève." Pierre smiles, his focus purely on the road. "Lets make the most of these two weeks then." Jess smiles.

Back home in their cozy modern Milan house, Jessica breathes a sigh of relief as she walks in. "Okay Genève, welcome home." Pierre smiles, walking through the door behind his wife. Jessica smiles as she watches the sight of her husband picking his daughter and laying her in his arms as he walked aroung the house.

It was like a fairytale came true for Jess. She married her best friend and over a year later, they have welcomed their first child. The girl couldn't help but watch at how Pierre fell in love all over again as he held baby Genève. The girl snaps out of her daydream before sitting beside her husband on the couch. "You're a natural." Jess smiles, laying her head on his shoulder. "Yeah. She's just perfect and the double of you." Pierre smiles, turning from Genève to Jessica. "And a mix of you too. She has your eyes and eye colour for sure." Jessica smiles as she gently strokes her daughters stomach.

Once Genève was asleep for the night in the beside cot in Pierre's and Jessica's bedroom, the Alpine driver headed back downstairs with the baby monitor in hand. But, when he got back downstairs, his eyes immediately landed on his wife who had fallen asleep on the couch. The Rouen boy smiles before carefully lifting her head up and laying it on his lap once he had sat down before covering her with a blanket, the baby monitoring placed on the coffee table infront of them.

After a while of cuddling, Pierre carefully removes the blanket from around Jess before grabbing the baby monitor and picking her up in his arms. The frenchman carries his british wife upstairs to their room where their baby girl was still asleep in her bedside cot. The blue-eyed Alpine driver changed Jessica into her pajamas as she was dead asleep before getting changed himself and climbing into bed beside his sleeping wife and daughter. Wrapping his arms around her, Pierre pulls Jess closer tightly in his embrace before slowly falling asleep in the contentment and comfort of his family.

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