Chapter 9

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"Babe, are you ready! We need to go!" Jessica calls to Pierre as she ties her trainers. "Coming. Hold on!" Pierre answers. "I'm sorry, it's just...with everything that happened with our first pregnancy, I just want to make sure this baby is okay." the McLaren driver sighs. "Don't apologize. It's normal given what happened with our first." Pierre reassures her, emerging from the bedroom. The brunette, brown-eyed girl smiles and nods as her husband gets his trainers on and the pair leave to head to the hospital appointment.

The car ride there was anxious. Jessica's leg bounced as Pierre drove through the streets of Milan. "I know you're anxious but everything will be okay." Pierre reassures her. "I'm just anxious." Jessica sighs and Pierre puts his hand on her thigh. At the hospital, a parking space was easy to find that was close to the enterance.

The waiting room was noisy but Jessica was immediately called in. "Okay. Are you ready to see baby?" the nurse smiles as Jessica lays on the bed. "As ready as we'll ever be." the girl responds, lifting her shirt up before reaching out for Pierre's hand. He takes ahold of it and gently squeezes it before rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb. "Alright, so the gel is cold but we'll get to see little baby." the nurse smiles as she begins the scan. Jessica grips onto Pierre's hand as the nurse does the scan.

"There they are. Your little baby growing healthily." the nurse says as Jessica looks at the nurse who puts the scan on the screen. "Oh my god. They're tiny." Jessica says in awe. "Indeed but they will get bigger. Is this your first?" the nurse asks. "Yeah. Well, no. We had a miscarriage a few months back and have had no lucky with conceiving since. Until now." Pierre explains. "Okay. I am going to book you in for weekly or two appointments on a Monday. Just to make sure everything is going swiftly." the nurse explains and the married couple nod.

While the nurse was out the room, getting the ultrasound photos for Jess and Pierre, the frenchman tightly hugs his wife after she wiped the gel off and pulled her shirt down. "The baby is okay. That's a relief." he says as Jess buries her face in his shoulder. "Our baby is healthy." Jessica mutters. "They are." Pierre reassures her. "Okay. So youse are 16 weeks along already. You have an appointment for next monday afternoon. I'll see you guys then." the nurse smiles. "16 weeks? But, I didn't know and have been racing." Jess says, panic slowly rising. "I understand but have you had any serious crashes?" the nurse asks, handing Pierre the photos. "No. I've been winning instead." Jessica laughs. "Then there should be nothing to worry about. Baby is healthy, you both are. Everything's fine." the nurse smiles.

The two thank the nurse and leave the hospital, heading back home but stopping to get some shopping on the way. While Pierre was putting the shopping away, Jessica headed out into the garden. "And everything is away. Here's a chocolate milkshake." Pierre smiles, handing Jessica the bottled drink. "Thank you. I'm going to want a lot of these while pregnant." Jessica chuckles as Pierre sits beside her on the garden chair swing. "Anything you crave, I'll make sure to get for you." Pierre smiles, gently turning Jessica to face him and kissing her lips. "You're amazing. You know that." Jessica smiles, laying her head on Pierre's shoulder. "Only for you." Pierre smirks, placing his drink on the coffee table.

He places his hands either side of Jess' stomach and gently kisses it a few time. "Our little baby." Pierre smiles before passionately kissing Jessica. "Yes. We're having a little baby who is healthy at 16 weeks." Jessica grins placing her hands on the side of Pierre's face before pressing her lips against his and passionately kissing him again. "When this baby comes, I can't wait to start life properly." Pierre smiles, his forehead against his wifes. "Me too, my love. Me too." Jessica smiles.

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