She leaned her head to the side and gazed at him. "You just got back and yet, you're taking me out?" He switched hands on the steering wheel & then he reached out to cup the side of her face, caressing her cheek with his thumb.

She then placed her hand on top of his and then he gently tangled his fingers with hers before fully grabbing her hand and tenderly bringing it to his lips. "You're special Hinata." He quickly gazed at her, kissed her hand again, & snuggled her hand into his right cheek before focusing back on the road again.

Just a year ago, Hinata didn't think she could open herself up again. Not for romance but for friendship, networking, & life in general.

After all the things she went through with all the people in the past, she honestly didn't think it was possible for her to ever trust again. But time really does heal all, maybe not all her triggers but just enough for her to move on.

Move on from the hurt, the pain, the betrayal, and the humiliation.

No lie, she thought that she and Tenny would never be apart but when she chose her boyfriend over her and decided to cut her off cold turkey, that's when she learned that not all friends were meant to stay no matter the history between both parties.

And for Naruto, the guy she's ever loved first and to actually be her first in everything & to treat her like literal shit from the bottom of his shoe taught her to always believe a person when they show you who they are & to never ignore the red flags. Sometimes your heart may not be the best decision for your mind. She was glad to say that she felt nothing, nada, zilch for him.
"I've missed you." He said to her while deeply gazing into her eyes. "I missed you too." She replied softly. His eyes slowly trailed down her lips and he immediately noticed the change of pace in her breathing.

Hinata not only missed their friendship but she also missed their electrifying sex. Max was the true definition of a gentleman in the streets and a freak in the sheets.

He took her body to new heights she never knew existed. She loved the way he would beautifully degrade her with tenderness & sensitivity and she's been longing for him.

The beautiful muscular stud tilted his head to the side and admired her curves for a hot minute. "I see you've been keeping up with your workout regimens, not that you need to." Her cheeks were stained red & her panties were wet. "Maxxy." They both knew what was gonna happen next, it was bound to.

He reached for her & pulled her towards him by the waist, almost making her stumble.

Things progressed quickly from there. Hinata tangled her fingers in his smooth dark locks & pressed her face in for a lustful kiss.

His hardness pressed against her and her breasts pressed against his chest. Both of their eyes were closed as their wet tongues twirled with one another.

Max's big hands began exploring her curves and his strong fingers traced a path up her shapely thighs, & stopped at her soft hips. In just one powerful motion, he lifted, pulled his pants & boxers down, yanked her leggings down, and ripped her panties off.

Hinata moaned at his aggression and tossed her head back when he bit down on the front of her neck. Once he slipped on the magnum he gently entered her with a little force behind it.

"Oom." When she felt him filling her up to the brim, she immediately began grinding against him in a frenzied rhythm and he began thrusting harder & harder.

Her wet juices splashed on his thighs and dripped onto the seat under them. The window on the driver seat began fogging up & both his hands gripped her hips harder as he began guiding her up & down on his dick. "Yes!" She screamed out.

𝙉𝘼𝙍𝙐𝙃𝙄𝙉𝘼 𝙄𝙉 𝙋𝙊𝙎𝙎𝙀𝙎𝙎𝙄𝙊𝙉Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang