Chapter 16

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I shoot up in my bed at the sound.


What the?

I climb out the bed and walk to the top of the stairs quietly.

Who could be knocking at the door?

I walk downstairs and grab a letter opener as i walk past to small table.

I open the door and get stopped by the chain.

I look around the front porch confused, no one was there.

I'm about to close the door again when i see a small package on the ground.

I unchain the door and look around.

I was still at the cabin, i was on my fifth day off and i haven't seen Penny or Creeper or anyone else for that matter since the dream.

Once i see no one is around i cut through the tape on the box and peer inside.

There was a note, i pull it out hesitantly before sifting through the packing peanuts again, i see a locket and a teddy bear.


I look around once more curiously.

Who would know i was out here and send me gifts?

I pick the box up before walking inside relocking and chaining the door.

I put it on the kitchen counter, staring at the note before i open it up.

Dear Miss Hargraves,

We apologise for the scare.

We wanted to give you something to remember us by.



I blink slowly at the one letter at the bottom.

I dont know anyone with the name starting with S, apart from Stuart, or slenderman?

No it said 'we' so multiple?

I put the letter on the table and grab the other items out of the box.

The Teddy Bear had an S in the center of a heart it was hugging.

The Locket also was engraved with an S.

I pop it open to look inside of it.

I see a picture of me in the cafeteria with all my patients.

What the hell?!

The other side also had a picture, of me and Danny laughing.

I was being Stalked at the asylum.

My heart started racing at this, but why were the pictures of me and my patients.

I look inside the box one more time and see a little book.

I frown and pick it up, it looked like a little photo album, the ones you get for new parents.

I open it up and my heart stops.

I fall to my knees and start sobbing.

There on the first page was me and Carrie, at prom all those years ago.

Before disaster struck.

The next photo was of me, by the window, i saw two ghost face masks staring at me from the woodland. So i didn't imagine them.

The third was of me talking with the Sinclair Twins, the photo was taken at the door.

The album had photos of me with each pair inside the asylum.

Then the second to last one was me, Penny and Creeper at the Mall.

The last one however was blurry.

I recognized the courtyard, it was from my dream. They had taken a photo from the side, getting all of us in it.

The worst part is, they took it like a selfie.

It was a Ghostface.

But the only three ghostfaces were at the asylum?


I stand up with wobbly legs and put the album on the counter.

I walk to my laptop and turn it on.

I hadn't received an email or any messages since my first day.

I look at my emails in case it had gone into spam.


I grab my phone and hover my thumb over the call button.

I call Mr Campbell.

After the third ring he picked up, i sigh a breath of relief.

"Dr Campbell, its Ro-" i get cut off.

"Hello? Who is this?" It wasn't the Doctors voice.

"Can i speak to Dr Campbell please?" I thought he had a son and he had picked up his phone or something.

"I'm sorry but that won't be possible Miss. Dr Campbell was murdered a few days ago" my mouth dropped in shock.

"T-then who a-are you?" I ask.

"Oh sorry, i work at Morgue, my name is Daniel Robitaille" he introduces himself.

"Oh, has the person who did this been caught?" I ask, i wipe away my tears.

"No, i am afraud not, are you a nurse?" He asks.

"Y-yes, i worked with him" i whisper.

"Well in sorry for your loss Miss Hargraves" he says and hangs up.

I sit there dumbfounded.

And suspicious.

I never told him my name.

But who would kill Dr Campbell? He was such a nice person, who would murder him and for what reason.

I sat there for a while.

My patients, who are looking after them?

I stood up and went upstairs packing my bags.

I was worried, me and Dr Campbell were the only ones who were kind to them.

If we both weren't there, who was?

I finish packing up all my stuff and run to my card, throwing the bags in the boot, i run back inside and look at the items on the counter.

Screw it.

I grab them and put them on my passenger seat.

I was tempted to put the locket on, only because it had everyone in it.

I did just that and grabbed my phone and laptop, locking the door and throwing the box into the recycling bin as i pass it.

I climb into my car and start the drive to the asylum.

Four hours later i had arrived at the gates, they were open and no guards were in sight.

I park my car as far away from the buildimg as possible and walk up to the doors.

I pause.

Was i being stupid?

The gate was open, probably to allow everyone in before their shifts?

But they had never done it before, maybe the new head nurse or doctor had ordered it or they were expecting new patients.

I sigh and tap the door handle, unsure.

[1021 words]-[NOT EDITED]

The Mad House(OC x Slashers)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें