Chapter 19

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It had been 7 months since everyone escaped, no one had found us in our dwelling.

Many of the slashers had left to move on in their lives.

Thomas and Bubba went back to Texas, as much as they both didn't want to leave, they had their family to return to.

Bo and Vincent returned to Ambrose to their brother Lester, they all lived close to it.

Chucky and Tiff disappeared a while back, Tiff left a note i was told about them going to find their kids

Carrie and Pearl also left, turns out they started to date in the hospital and wanted to live with one another, i was happy for Carrie.

Billy, Stu and Danny had become kind of inseparable, they now worked together on their 'hunts', truthfully i was happy they were now working together, it meant less people died in one go.

They still live with us since they have nowhere else they could go.

Michael was also still here, i rarely saw him, unless it was early morning with him walking in, kitchen knife coated in blood. He always looked guilty when he saw me, i think he is avoiding me.

Jason was guarding his lake again, it was only about 10 miles away from our new home.

Slenderman and Pyramid Head had completely disappeared, without a single word.

Hannibal and Will also lived here still.

Turns out the Chesapeake Ripper and his copycat were still heavily being hunted by a Man by the name of Jack Crawford.

Brahms is living in the walls of the old house, i was shown inside them by him, the only room he hasn't got access to the wall of was mine.

Thank god.

Norman was getting therapy from Hannibal, to try and calm his mother persona down.

Pennywise and Creeper were lurking around a lot too, the only time they would leave is when their 'feasting' was present, they have stopped hunting for now, although Hannibal's diet helps them quite a bit.

Turns out they could eat at all times, but they choose not to as it causes people to be more scared if there is 'timing' to it.

The predator was always hunting in the woods, he was a strange creature.

He never hurts me, he sniffs me, makes me touch his face or chest or he touches my face, neck, or hand and arms. I think it's him telling me he is no threat to me.

He still scares me half to death with his clicking and invisibility, but i feel safe with him.

He once picked me up to show me a pretty spot in the forest, admittedly Penny was following at all times to ensure he didn't hurt me, but he put me so gently down and pointed around while watching my reaction so intently.

He once even used his translator to talk to me.

I have no idea what it meant though.


That was all he said.

I had asked Penny what it meant and he just laughed at me.

I presumed it was his name, so when it was just us i would call him it, he was happy with it...i think.

Freddy is always around, he visited me in my dreams mostly, he was always showing me places. He was sweeter than i thought he was, he was still a sassy fuck, but why would i expect any less?

I look around at my boys, we were all in the living room that Hannibal had so luxuriously furnished.

Michael was lounging back on the couch with me in his lap, Stu, Billy and Danny were on the floor leaning against the couch, next to us was Freddy.

On the loveseat to our left were Hannibal and Will, Will was lying on Hannibal's legs.

Predator was stood in the corner, watching me as always.

Penny had turned into a cat and was in my arms, Creeper was sat on a chair to our right, glaring at Penny in jealousy.

Norman and Brahms were sat side by side at Habbibal's feet.

We were like a disorganised family.

A family i loved.

A family who would die for me as i would die for them.

I kiss Penny's head and pat Creepers hand before curling into Michael.

I loved all of them, unconditionally.

[726 words]-[NOT EDITED]

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