"Take my lunchbox, it will keep your energy up" Nino offered his lunchbox.

"Thanks" Adrien took it and began eating.

Only then did he eat too fast because he's extremely hungry that his stomach was so empty it never had anything to digest.

"I need more!" Adrien was so desperate.

"Oh boy" Felix sighs.

"You're faster! Get him something!" Nino said to Felix.

"Got it!" Felix ran to get some more food.

Roasted chicken was all he could get but it made Adrien snatch it and eat. He ate it until there were just bones.

"Bro, you calm? I don't want you turning into a cannibal" Nino said.

"I'm calm. So this is what happens if a human doesn't eat food, they starve?" Adrien belched.

"Exactly" Nino nodded.

"And die too?" Adrien said.

"Yes, without food or water, humans die," Nino said.

"How many types of death a human being has?" Adrien asked.

"More than you can imagine," Nino said.

Adrien then grabs a glass of water due to dehydration and his body never had water. He gulps it all up. Giving a long breath of air that he has a hard time understanding mortality.

"That's refreshing," He said.

"Bro, perhaps you should get out there and absorb some sunlight. You don't have your powers and it's best if you don't try something stupid for a change" Nino pushes him out the door entrance of the mansion.

Adrien inhaled and exhaled as he got out. A little scared of daylight but it was beautiful to see. Nino puts a hat on him since he's gonna have to blend in with the people now.

"Well, here we go" He walks through the gates.

He watched out for some of the cars driving and some horses. The horse stops and smells him like he's much different than a man.

"There, there, relax," Adrien said.

"It seems he likes you 100%," The rider with glasses said.

"Yeah. You are so gorgeous for a lovely horse. Yes, you are" Adrien pets the horse. It neighs happily at him.

"Have a good day" Adrien said as he explored more of Paris. Looking up he saw the Eiffel Tower from afar. He chuckled at how it took lots of men to build this in 1887.

"It's still pretty as it was back then," He said and walked down the street looking around.

Everything was very colorful while his world was just dark and depressing. It was no strange it was called the City of Love. Humans have been at war with each other for centuries and there was no such thing as mankind no longer killing each other. Since World War 1, there hasn't been another war in 8 years. He came across a fashion store, Victorian Goth style, his very own vampire kind that likes this type of fashion. The owner was named Juleka Couffaine who runs the shop. He goes inside to look around the store.

"Ah, welcome. I'm Juleka, the owner of the store. You look undead with that type of style" Juleka said, though through a little muttering.

"Hi, well, this is my style of clothing, I might wanna try out some," Adrien said.

"Heh, 19th or 20th century style?" Juleka asked why type.

"19th-century style," Adrien said.

"Here you go" Juleka hands it over.

"Thanks. By the way, are there accessories like rings and jewelry?" Adrien asked.

"Of course" Juleka brought them out.

"Those are gorgeous. Beautiful. That's lovely" Adrien said, loving this style. He picked some black colored rings.

"Oh, no! Please not her" Juleka muttered at who's coming inside.

"What?" Adrien asked.

"Ridiculous! So utterly ridiculous, mumble girl! Your taste in fashion is ridiculous!" Chloe comes inside to cause a rant in the store.

"And who are you?" Adrien didn't recognize her.

"Whoa, you look handsome. But your sense of fashion is ridiculous!" Chloe was very rude to him she barely knew him.

"Excuse me?! I get to decide my style!" Adrien got mad.

"I rule this city and I get everyone to listen!" Chloe cackled.

Adrien wished he used hypnosis but he doesn't have that now as a human.

"I think not. I'm not from Paris" Adrien said.

One thing he still has is the stare intensity. No one can ever get past that. If he can still do the stare, then he can still do it as a human.

He closes his eyes and then opens them in a creepy stare at Chloe, causing her to back off, "You got something to also say about my kind? I would love to hear that selfish big mouth of yours" Adrien said while doing the stare.

"N-No, that stare creeps me out!" Chloe got frightened.

"How insulting of you. Apologize to Juleka, now" Adrien glared.

"Oh, why should I, you creep?" Chloe asked.

"Because my bad side won't show you mercy," Adrien said, wanting to remove the bracelet but cannot do that when it's daylight everywhere.

"Not a chance I'll let you do that!" Chloe ran off frightened.

"Whoa, how the hell?" Juleka and the customers had never seen someone stand up to the brat.

"Just my special stare of the wolf," Adrien said.

"No one has stood up like that," A goth woman said.

"You're welcome," Adrien said.

"That obnoxious brat is gonna remember your face," An emo man said.

"Yeah, I'll be her worst nightmare" Adrien joked.

Between 🌙Night and Day☀️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora