Chapter 20 ~ Terra Neon

Start from the beginning

Stork took the bag and started breathing until he swallowed the bag accidentally causing him to choke, until Junko helped him out as he spit out the bag.
Aerrow: One of us'll go out there and keep them occupied while the others look for a way out
Finn: No problemo. You just leave this one to me
Mags: Oh no you don't!! Don't even think about telling them your terrible jokes
Finn: They're not that terrible
Storm Hawks: Yes they are!!!
Finn: You just watch

We watched as Finn went up on stage with confidence, as he got a hold of the mic and started his act.

Finn: Anyone here from Atmosia?

[Cricket Chriping]

Finn: Atmosia in the house! Woo!!
Mags: [slap his head] He's gonna fail
Finn: Is this thing on? Okay, here's what I want to know; why do they call it Cy-clone-ia? I mean, it's not like it's full of clones. Am I right?

[spoon drops]

Mags: [bang his head on wall] OH BROTHER, THIS GUY STINKS!!!!
Finn: Hey!!
Mags: Who said that?
Staldorf: I got more funny on my feet!
Walder: That's true, especially if you count the funny smell
Luna: Oh boy, Finn isn't doing so well
Piper: There has to be another way out

Radarr walked off to the way we entered, only for it to be blocked by the vines, so we can't go out the way we came in.

Aerrow: One things for sure; we can't go back the way we came in. Split up and look around. There's gotta be something we can use

While the others wandered around to find a way out, Mags and I kept watching Finn fail miserably in his act only to freak out when we heard Piper and Stork scream.

Luna: What?! What is it?!
Piper: Stork, what are you doing?
Stork: I can't go on stage! Just the thought of it makes my knees feel like jelly sausages injected with liquid dread!


Piper: Speaking of, I wonder how "Mr. Most Entertaining" is doing?
Luna: Not so well
Mags: He's dying out there
Finn: Okay, you're gonna love this
Piper: Oh please, please, not your lame impression of Ravess
Finn: My impression of Ravess!
Piper: Oh, no!
Luna: Oh~ I have to see this [smile]
Mags: No you don't!
Mags/Piper: Junko, quick, do something!
Luna: Or not, I wanna see this


Luna: Ow~

Junko got up on stage and bowed when he started roaring for some reason, that was until I heard the two talking about a Traditional Wallopian Folk Roaring. Associate Finn walked backstage angrily, as he walked up to Piper.

Finn: Hey! I was doing great! Why'd you send him out there? And why'd he stop screaming?!

Just then, to our horror, Junko was tangled up in the vines that he was put on the audience seats and trapped.

Staldorf: I'll tell you why it's been so long since we heard a folk roar; they're awful!
Walder: Hey, the last time I heard a scream that loud was after I saw you with your shirt off. Back hair!
Staldorf: Watch it
Piper: No! Let him... Go... Ehehehe... So, who here likes magic?

Piper brought out two different crystal in her hands, as she tried to perform a magic show only to have failed.

Piper: Abra-ca-ta-da!
Staldorf/Walder: BOR-ING!!!
Piper: Hey!! You try coming up with an act when all you've got are some rainbow smokers!
Staldorf: Now, you're even more boring!

Piper was about to get the same faith as Junko, when Radarr stepped in to save Piper by performing a prank, then later on do a silly dance while Aerrow went somewhere else to look for a way out. Unfortunately, Piper and Radarr failed, and receive the same faith as Junko.

A Moon in the Sky [Finn X Oc X Stork]Where stories live. Discover now