Chapter 16 ~ Escape!

Start from the beginning


Radarr got a hold on the mud and covered himself in it, as they hide from plain sight when they heard footsteps and snarls.

Mr. Moss: Howdy prisoners!! Y'see, there ain't much direction you can go out here. You boys are on Terra Zartacla, where the whole Terra is the prison. Technically speakin' you ain't even escapees, yet. So why don't y'all come on back and save yourselves the unpleasant trouble of havin' my pets bring you back instead. Y'all can go on and feel a bit of pride. Ain't nobody ever made it this far away from the prison proper before

Aerrow checked his surroundings as he pulled back and covered Radarr mouth as soon as he noticed the Trackbeast and guard patrolling the area.

Aerrow: [whispers] They've got us cornered, Radarr. The best thing we can do right now is split up. You keep 'em busy in the forest. I'll try and drag 'em to the river. Meet you at the far side of the terra. Good luck

Aerrow and Radarr fist bumped as they waited the opportunity to make a run for it, as Radarr ran catching one of the trackbeast attention as it growls, giving Aerrow a chance to run too.

Aerrow: Gonna have to come and get us yourself, Warden! 'Cause we're not comin' back on our own accord!
Mr. Moss: Fufufu, forget the rodent, let's go get the boy!

The guards cheered, as they went after Aerrow. They were hot on his trail as he slipped and almost fell but caught a branch to save his fall. He looked back and spotted them as he swung his body forward and landed on the rocks.

Mr. Moss: You'd better slow down son
Aerrow: Fat chance, Warden!

Aerrow continues to leap from rock to rock to escape, as he stopped himself from the edge only to see a huge waterfall.

Mr. Moss: Now son, there's no way out of Widow's Peak. It's time to go home. If you're nice from here on, maybe I'll even let up on your escape punishment... Just a bit

Aerrow think over his plan as he noticed the Occucrows, that he decided to take the risk.

Aerrow: Sorry, Warden. Not today

Aerrow leaped forward as he descends into the water, making Radarr look concerned. Once Mr.
Moss and his guards got down to the end of the Waterfall is, Hamish spotted the arm sleeve of the prisoners uniform.

Hamish: Well I'll be! Mr. Moss, look here! [runs up to Mr. Moss] I'm thinkin' we might be done searchin'
Mr. Moss: [sniffs] we gonna need more than a sleeve to call off this hunt. Give it to the trackbeasts, so they can get a sce-int

Meanwhile with Radarr, just wandered around feeling tired until he spotted the Occucrows making him panic, as he climbed the trees the Occucrow came at him the second time until.


Radarr looked up to see that the Occucrow was gone, but spotted someone from a distance walking towards him as he panicked when he saw the person. Meanwhile, Aerrow got a hold of then shirt he was wearing and ripped it in half, leaving him shirtless as he tired one of the sleeves with a bandana and masked his face with a bit of mud as he prepared to attack. He gets a hold of a rock and smashes a bigger one revealing some crystals for him to use. Back with the Cyclonian, Mr. Moss looked around when they heard a bush move. They raised their guards as they were about to release the trackbeast when they've realized it's one of their own.

Mr. Moss: Max, what are you doin' here boy?!
Max: There was a situation in the Prison, all the communication are down so I came to alert you Mr. Moss, sir
Mr. Moss: [sigh] Communication are down, we'll get 'em back up!! We need them in case of backup
Max: Will do sir, also you forgot to leave the keys to the prison cells, wouldn't want that boy to snatch 'em from you
Mr. Moss: Here, take 'em [hands him the keys] Don't have me catchin' you outside of the prison, boy
Max: Yes Mr. Moss sir
Mr. Moss: Now go, don't leave Luka all by himself, the boy can barely get anything done!!

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