Chapter 15 ~ Mending a Glass Heart

Start from the beginning

The sound of the ocean waves was only sound that was heard as I slowly back away from the Dark Ace while he frown, I know I hurt his feelings but, it shouldn't be this way.

Dark Ace:... I understand Luna, I was hoping for a chance but since you chose your path
Luna:... Ace
Dark Ace: I guess I'll have to take you... By force

I gasped as he unsheathed his blade, before I could run a cage dropped onto me as I tried to get out. A couple of talons hidden behind the palm trees and bushes came out as they attached the chains to their skimmers while the other brought my satchel with my weapon and bombs inside, alon with the scroll that the Dark Ace took out.

Dark Ace: Excellent, everything is all here
Luna: Why?! Why are you doing this!!?? You don't have to do this!!! We don't have to get married just because my parents arranged it!!
Dark Ace: Fufufufu, Luna. Who said anything about your parents picking me to marry you?
Luna: [eyes widen] What? But then, that could only mean-
Dark Ace: I chose you, when I heard about you I knew you had such potential. So I insisted on your parents to arranged a marriage for us, I promised them so much that I would take care of you, watch over you, and cherish you and only you. Now that they're out of your life, you have no one to turned to... But me... Take her to the Airship, no dely
Luna: No!!! Nonononono!!!

I felt the cage shifted as it was being lifted with me inside up in the air, I tried to use my gravity but when I touched the bars it sent a jolt of energy toward my body shocking me to the floor. Until I heard an engine from a distance and saw Mags at the beach sand, I carefully got to the edge and screamed at the top of my lungs.


Before long, I was in the Airship as the door closed, when the guards were near I took the chance to grab one of them when a hand caught my wrists that I looked up to see Ravess.

Ravess: Awwww poor little princess is nothing without her weapon, too bad your zero gravity won't work once we slip these special gloves that will prevent you from making anyone else float, plus you won't be able to take them off

I struggled to get out of Ravess's grip, until two of the talons slipped the gloves on me and Ravess let me go while I lay on the floor.

Ravess: Won't be long till we get to Cyclonia
Luna: Oh yeah, then what's stopping the Storm Hawks from coming to rescue me!!!
Ravess: You're joking, do you really think they'll come to rescue you? Too bad they can't track you without this~

I saw in Ravess hand was my communication watch that she handed it to Snipe as he smashed it into small pieces, they both laughed until Dark Ace arrived and got off his Skimmer as he approached my imprisonment.

Luna: S-Stay back!! G-G-Get away from me!!!
Dark Ace: Awwww after what I went through to bring you to me?
Luna: [glares] You tricked me!
Dark Ace: Oh no, Luna dear. You took it upon yourself to come to me, I gave you that choice and you chose to come here. The path you chose was all on you
Luna: Ngh...
Dark Ace: Set a course to Cyclonia, once from there take my fiancé to the dungeon... [glares] Make sure you chain her ankle tight
Cyclonian Talon C: Yes sir [scurry away]
Dark Ace: I'm giving you a choice, Luna. Either sign the scroll, be bound to me for all eternity, and become a talon by my side... Or stay in a prison cell where you will never escape my grasp ever again...

Mags's P.O.V

We arrived at Tropica, Aerrow, Junko, and I got on our Skimmers as we soar into the skies and go searching until we spotted Finn's Skimmer but no sign of Luna.

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