Chapter 13 ~ A Little Trouble

Start from the beginning

We were all out of my room and into the Bridge where Tynki finished his bottle, he burped and was launched up in the air onto the table and giggled. We all looked at Junko until we hear a tear and saw that Tynki ate five sections of the Battle Ship blueprints.

Piper: [gasp] He just ate five sections of the Battle Ship!! Ugh!!
Junko: Heh, baby Wallops do have strong appetite
Piper: Oh, how can you get mad at a face like that?
Mags: Maybe it's best if he stay in your room
Luna: Or mine! I can babysit him
Storm Hawks: No!!
Luna: Why not?
Aerrow: Sorry Luna but your room is an explosive hazard, we wouldn't want Tynki to get hurt
Luna: It is so not


Luna: Ignore that
Mags: Sorry Luna, but the answer is still no
Aerrow: Radarr, help Junko find something more... nutritional for this kid to eat
Luna: I can help too!!
Aerrow: Why don't you clean up your room and that "explosion," just in case Tynki goes in your room
Mags: Which we hope won't happen
Luna: [pout] Fine... [mutters] Couple of the year goes to Mags and Aerrow
Mags: [glares] What was that?
Luna: [smile] I said a couple of those explosions and I'll have no bedroom [nervous laugh]

Mags's P.O.V

I watched as Luna runs off to her room, when I turned to talk to Aerrow another explosion happened and Luna screamed.

Mags: [look at Aerrow] I'm not even gonna check and ask where she got the slime
Aerrow: Me either
Mags: Also, I think she's on to something, if she's slowly learning about the arranged marriage, we have to tell her
Aerrow: What? I thought maybe we would-
Mags: We don't have a choice, she's getting captured by the Dark Ace, Snipe and Ravess are now ordered to capture her, she's getting these dreams, it's only a matter of time
Aerrow: I know I know [sigh] There has to be a way to tell her about it without breaking her heart
Mags: If she does have a breakdown, we'll be there to help her
Aerrow:... [sigh] You're right, she's gonna find out why the Dark Ace is after her, one way or another
Mags: We'll help her no matter what
Aerrow: [chuckles] It's almost like she's family to us
Mags: [blushes] O-Of course, I mean she is like family

Aerrow smiled while I blushed like crazy, I was about to speak when Luna creeped up on us out of no where and spooked us.

Luna: Are you gonna make out or what?
Mags/Aerrow: [blushing] WE WEREN'T GONNA MAKE OUT!!!!
Luna: Well you better head to the table, Piper finished her diorama of Snipe's airship. I'll go check in on Junko and Radarr
Aerrow: You do that
Luna: Try not to make out in front of them
Mags: We weren't gonna make out!!!

Luna left as Aerrow and I blushed, why would she suggest something like that, I mean I wouldn't mind a kiss but still.

Aerrow: She's just being silly, I mean us kissing. No way


Aerrow: Ow~ what was that for
Mags: You should know

I walked away and up to the table as Piper placed her diorama, Aerrow and Finn soon joined in, when we heard a loud screech making the Condor shake.

Piper: My diorama of Snipe's airship clearly shows an area of weakness at the engine room
Finn: Saweet!
Piper: [swat Finn hand] Ahh! Don't touch the dry rock, it's still wet

The pipes started to creak when all of the sudden, water came down and soaked all of us along with Piper's diorama. The door slid open as Radarr came in along with Luna and Junko holding Tynki in his arms.

Junko: Uh, just a little trouble with bath time. No biggie!... Here, hold Tynki

Junko handed Tynki to Finn as he looked at him and smiled, he was about to tickle him when Tynki got a hold of his finger.

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