Chapter 12 ~ Storm Warning

Magsimula sa umpisa

Piper and I smiled as we drove off into the sky and flew far away, until we reached the ground and drove off.

No One's P.O.V

Mags was done organizing and cleaning his infirmary, that he walked into the Hangar to see the boys staring outside of the Condor making him confused as he approached them.

Stork: Only one explanation for Piper leaving; she's infected with the Thoraxian mind worms. We should all be tested
Aerrow: She's just blowing off some steam. Piper and Luna wouldn't really leave us... Would they?
Stork: I'm telling you... Mind worms
Mags: What?!

The boys got stiffed when the thunder was heard, as they turned to see Mags with his arm crossed and glaring at them.

Mags: I left you guys for five minutes and already Piper and Luna are gone because they quit?!
Aerrow: Eh... Yeah
Mags: Who is responsible for this?

Junko, Stork, Aerrow, and Radarr pointed the finger at Finn, while Finn looked at each and every one of them until he pointed at Radarr. Making him bite Finn finger as he screamed in pain, when Radarr let go Mags groan and slapped a hand on his head.

Mags: Of course you would do something stupid, every time


Luna was setting up a tent while Piper used the binoculars to check in on the boys, seeing Mags yelling at the boys while they're on their knees and sitting.

Piper: Squadron log supplemental; experimental exceeding expectation [sigh] I think I'll just let them squirm for a little while
Luna: Those boys won't last without us, how are they doing?
Piper: We'll after Mags smacked them upside the head, they're recuperating from that injury

[Luna and Piper laugh]

Back with the boys

Junko: You want me to go look for them? I got eyes like a hawk
Stork: Don't be alarmed, but I think there's a thief aboard. My peepers are... Missing
Finn: Maybe Piper took them
Stork: Why would she do that man? I mean, she knows how long it took me to make- Unless
Aerrow: Mind telling us what you're doing?
Stork: Oh, I'm on to her scheme

Stork looked through the telescope as he searched high and low, letting Finn take a look when they spotted Piper hanging around.

Finn: Oh she's good
Finn: [eyes widen] Oh boy, Luna has to come back. It's her turn

[Footsteps... Footsteps]

Mags: Who's turn was it?
Finn: Wasn't it Luna, turn? I think she could come back. Don't cha think
Mags: Hm... Is that so? Well since Luna isn't here I guess you'll have to do the laundry, you and Stork
Finn: What?! It's Luna's turn!! Why does she get a free pass?
Mags: Hm, let me think. Because a moron decided to speak his blow horn mouth and make Piper and Luna leave
Finn: I didn't make Luna leave, she voluntarily left
Mags: Either way, wash the clothes or else
Finn: Why do we have to do it?

Mags gave Finn and Stork a firm stare as they jumped and scurried away, not wanting to mess with Mags.

Mags: Aerrow, we have to do something about this. It's only a matter of time before it gets worse
Aerrow: Oh come on, what's the worst that can happen?


Mags: That

The floor was completely flooded with water and bubbles as they walk in to see Stork and Finn covered in bubbles. Back with the girl, Luna was cooking Piper a meal, while Piper was feeling bored until she got Stork peepers

A Moon in the Sky [Finn X Oc X Stork]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon