Your Doctor

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Author's PoV

The nurse left after waiting for around 20 mins outside Jk's cabin. Namjoon wasn't present today. The older had left for some "important task" early today

Jungkook was stuck inside his own chamber
He was having a rather a long talk with one of his former college friends, who was also a doctor upon a call

Mr Kansas? Umm.... Let me see, he's got an extremely good repute here. Not that he goes out of his way to fix things or anything, no charity either. You need to have money in your pockets for getting treatment from him. But he's efficient. Other than that...umm...Jungkook why are you asking though? Did you hear about it too?

Hear what? I have my doubts on him about certain things. His vibes, his personality... It just didn't seem right. I am worried about my patients.

Well... Word's there, that he abuses patients. Nothing's been proved though, but you know there's no smoke without a fire. There were these sisters.... Um.. Around 14 or 15 I guess, one older, one younger by a know the drill. Both parents died in an accident, family relatives took over their property and deemed them mad, brought them here.
They were quiet lovely....


Well... Guess what...these patients were normal right? So they knew things and understood that the mentally sick won't be able to understand. Mr Kansas hadn't got their reports. I was late in handing them over before he came for a survey. He liked the older.


I mean 14-15 year old girls are beautiful but for a man in his late 40s to be attracted to them.... Wtf! That too a doctor...

So word had gone around that he had actually abused the older. Since she wasn't really sick, she directly complained to the authorities.... But you know how the system goes. She's mad, she doesn't know. False reports and all...
It was all hushed up, the older's dead body was found in a few days.

This traumatized the younger. Guess what? She got her correct position in the asylum....

Seriously? Why didn't I know this bs?

Because.... Mister, he has helped your older brother save your license. Namjoon has always dismissed these as rumours. I mean... He's not wrong... If my younger brother was at stake, I would too. I don't mean to be rude Jungkook, please don't---

No no! Please tell me. I want to know. All hyung informed me, was that I was suspended and was supposed to service here. Literally nothing was told to me. I was just dismissed and transferred. I couldn't question it anyway...

I get you. So I think Namjoon must have done something to... Like... Win Mr Kansas over. Cause no way that man helping him without receiving anything in return.

I see

But it benefitted you anyway
(A cheerful glee)
I'm least concerned about others..

(A nervous smile to himself)
Any idea what price he might have taken?

Well it could be anything.... Money or... Umm... Maybe a patient who wouldn't understand nor be able to question. I don't really know abou---

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