𝐢. nightmares and daydreams !

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Alex sighed. "Ana, he probably knows more about this dream stuff than I do. I mean, there's also Magnus, but you already said no to asking him for help as well." He noticed the darkness clouding her eyes. "Listen, I just want you to be okay. I'm getting worried about this endless stream of nightmares. You aren't sleeping, you barely eat . . ."

He was right. She hadn't been sleeping, or eating, or even performing up to her usual standards. She'd try to sleep, but the nightmares would wake her and make it impossible for her to fall back to sleep. And when she tried to eat, images of those dark claws ripping into her skin would drive her appetite away. If the dark circles under her eyes and the approaching skinniness weren't enough to worry people, the way she stumbled about like a zombie was. 

Ana rubbed her hands across her face. "I don't want to worry him, too. He's got so much on his plate already, what with being trapped for fifty years and not seeing his family once." 

In truth, Rhys had tried reaching out to her about it. Their strange connection allowed them to still talk mentally with one another and even visit in dreams, but since the nightmares started . . . And he'd tried asking her about it, but she'd lied and told him everything was okay. She didn't want him to worry. She didn't want anyone to worry.

"Ana, your two weeks are almost up. You'll be going back soon, and he'll see what's going on. You can't hide it from him forever," Alec said, rubbing her arm softly in an attempt to calm her. 

Ana looked at her hands and sighed. "I know."

⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⬩❖⬩ ⎯⎯⎯⎯


The training room was alive with activity. Bo staffs were smacking against each other, weapons were clashing, and fists and kicks were being thrown. Heavy breathing mixed with yells and shouts of triumph were heard, along with complaints from the losers. 

Ana and Izzy were near the center, weapons in hand as they sparred. Alec, Clary, and Jace watched from the sidelines, analyzing their techniques and taking note of every move the other made. Since Ana's return, they'd all been trying to figure out just how much had changed about her, from her skill in fighting to her magic that she worked on with Magnus and the Seelie Queen.

The Parabatai pairing moved in sync like always, each strike and parry acting like a mirror image to the other. You could see the fire of competition burning in their eyes as they faced off, sharing taunts with each other in hopes of making one lose their game. It didn't work, but it was funny to outsiders to hear their bickering. Because what was a sparring match between the two if not a battle of words and wits as well as a battle of muscle and machinery? 

Izzy stabbed at Ana's exposed side with her Seraph bladea killing blow if one wasn't experienced. Ana caught sight of the weapon's path and moved with angelic grace, so quickly that it took everyone by surprise. Including herself. One moment, she was right beside Izzy, and the next she was behind her Parabatai, eyes wide and heart pounding. She shook the abnormality away and held both her kindjals to Izzy's throat, winning the match.

"What the fuck was that?" Jace asked, his eyebrows disappearing into his hairline.

Ana sheathed her weapons and frowned at her body. "I don't know. One second I was there, and then I was here, and I don't know how I did it."

Clary was beaming. "Well, whatever you did, it was cool as shit." She stepped up by the two girls and wrapped her arms around them. "Now, how about we ditch the guys and go get those facials that we promised ourselves during the wars? How does that sound?"

Izzy set aside her blade and nodded. "Absolutely. I'm ready to ditch this place for now and finally relax." Izzy then nudged Ana. "Our girl over here needs one."

𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ! [ rhysand ]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin