Niall- First Meeting (sweet)

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You had saved up all the money you could so that you could spend the summer in London. You were on your own and enjoying everything England had to offer. It was your second day and after doing various tourist activities and wandering around you realized you’re lost. You didn’t want to ask for directions just yet and when your stomach growled you decided to eat before going any farther. You walked into a pretty busy restaurant, ordered food, and sat at a table. You pulled out your phone to try to figure out where you were. You felt someone run into your chair and fall. You looked to your left and saw a guy with blond hair and blue eyes. “Are you okay?” “Yeah, yeah. Sorry about that. Are you okay?” he said with an obvious Irish accent. “I’m not the one who landed on the floor.” You said with a laugh. As he scrambled to his feet, you couldn’t help but wonder if he could tell you how to get “un-lost.”

“Do you know how I can get back to this hotel?” You asked pointing to the name and address on your phone. “Sure I do. Are you lost?” he asked with a big grin. “Yeah.” You said shyly. He put his hand on the other chair at the table and lifted his eyebrows at you, waiting for his okay to sit. “Please. Thank you.” “I’m Niall by the way.” “Y/N.” You said as a smile of relief came over your face: one because you wouldn’t be lost anymore and two because you were now talking to a gorgeous Irish boy. As he used your phone to point to the roads that would lead you back to the hotel, all you could do was stair into his bright blue eyes. His words became less and less clear until he said “I’ll be right back. I’m going to grab my food. I’m starved.” Your food arrived at the table while Niall was getting his.

When he returned to the table you noticed a couple of guys smiled and waved bye to him as they exited the restaurant. “Were you here with them?” you asked. “Yeah, but I told them they didn’t have to stay.” “I don’t want to keep you.” You said realizing how kind that was of him. “You won’t. We’re going to the same place.” He said before he took a large bite of food. Some of it spilled on his shirt and he used a napkin to wipe it off. “Excuse me?” “I’m staying at the same hotel with my lads as well.” Niall said looking up from his shirt. “Oh. I thought you meant you were going back with me.” You said blushing, embarrassed for sharing your thought. He gave a big laugh, said “That could work too,” and winked. His laugh was contagious. You both kept joking for a while, then started to talk about more serious things: your planned summer in London, family, school.

When you both finished eating, Niall placed his hand on yours and met your eyes before saying “Y/N, I was hoping we could hang out for the rest of the day. I could take you back to the hotel after.” You were surprised and excited. “That sounds like fun Niall.” A huge grin grew on his face. “I don’t know what I would have done if you said no.” You giggled slightly. “Want to know a secret?” he asked. With a puzzled look on your face you hesitantly said “Sure.” “I tripped into your chair so I could talk to you.” “You wanted to talk to me?” you said in disbelief. “When I saw you come in, I knew I had to get to know you. Your being lost was lucky.” He smirked. “Luck of the Irish I guess.” You said. You both laughed. “Really lucky! We’re staying at the same hotel.” With that he stood up from his seat and held out his hand for you to grab. It was there at Nando’s that Niall stole your heart and it was there he proposed to you six years later.

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