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The next morning Seungmin and Felix slowly get up and dressed in the clothes they bought the day before. Seungmin put his clothes from yesterday inside the bag and did the same with Felix's.

Seungmin hears a soft purr and he turns around to see Felix admiring the fresh mark on his neck in the bathroom mirror. He has his hands against the vanity to support himself. The alpha walks over to Felix, who doesn't notice him even though his reflection is in the mirror. Felix jumps slightly when he feels a soft grip ghost the bruises on his waist. He looks up in the mirror and his eyes instantly meet the younger's. A smile sketches itself onto his face as he turns around and hugs Seungmin. He leans up and hides his face in the crook of Seungmin's neck.

Seungmin has a smile of his own on his face as he wraps his arms around the omega's small body. "Baby, I would love to stay here forever, but Minho is outside waiting for us."

"But 'm horny."  Felix moves away from the younger's neck and looks at him with a pout and the most innocent-looking eyes he can muster. "I know love, but if you'd like I'm sure Minho will be more than happy to help you when we get home."

Felix seems to cheer up a bit at Seungmin's words. He reluctantly pulls away and grabs the bags on the bed, but he has a bright smile on his face. "What are you waiting for? We should go before the next wave of my heat starts."

Seungmin blinks before nodding his head and following the omega he's so whipped for out the door.

"Took you long enough," Minho says as Felix and Seungmin get inside the back of the car.

"Are you ice? It's not like you're going to melt." Seungmin says while rolling his eyes and draping an arm around Felix's shoulders. "I may not be ice, but many people think I'm cold."

Felix sits up and leaves the comfort of Seungmin's arms to argue with the oldest. "You're not cold, you're one of the nicest alphas I know! Trust me, I've met a ton, and most of them are selfish jerks who treat omegas like they're nothing, especially male omegas. We're supposed to stay at home all the time and wait for them to come home after work at the end of the day so we can please them. It's not right. Omegas should be able to have their own lives too."

Seungmin gently pulls Felix into his embrace and soothingly rubs his shoulder. Minho glances at the omega through his rear-view mirror and clenches the stirring wheel tighter when he sees a tear fall down his face. Minho starts to drive home and drives 20 or more kilometers over the speed limit the whole time he's on the expressway. Someone or multiple people hurt his sweet sunshine and they better pray he never finds out who hurt Felix.

The rest of the car ride was tense. Minho was gripping the steering wheel with white knuckles the whole time and his veins bulged a little from anger. Seungmin had a good idea of the thoughts going through Minho's head and knew it was better to let him fume in silence. The best thing he could do was calm Felix down by making small and loving gestures. The new mating bond made both of them clingy and wanting physical touch.

Felix however, was an emotional mess. He was sad because of his past, a little bit mad at Minho for indirectly putting himself down, happy because of the mating mark, and most of all, horny. He could feel his next heat wave coming fast and knew it was only a matter of time before his slick stained the seat if they didn't get home soon.

To say the least, the car was full of pheromones and spiked scents. Felix's scent was extra sweet to the point of being almost sickening, Minho's scent was sour from his angry thoughts, and Seungmin was pretty much just there. His scent was only a little bit stronger because of the good mood the new mating mark put him in, but Felix and Minho's scents easily overpowered his at the moment. 

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