«9» tea and temptation

Start from the beginning

What am I going to do?


When her phone chimed with a text message from Fulan telling her he was outside the manor's gate, Yaseerah began to panic for a whole other reason.

She'd forgotten to tell him that she'd meet him wherever they were going, and now, he was here, waiting for her outside, where her father, or anyone in the Bako family could see him.

Not for the first time since she'd called him the day before, she asked herself the same question 'what am I doing?'.

Throwing caution to the wind hadn't included him picking her up, but now that he was here, there was nothing she could do, but hope that whatever had kept her father outside the manor since the day before, kept him outside for today also.

Glancing at herself one last time in the mirror, Yaseerah slipped on a pair of black Manolo Blahnik's, grabbed her purse and phone, before she left her room.

She'd finally settled on a green seafoam tulle dress with delicate gold embroidery adorning the bodice, a high neckline, sheer long sleeves trailing down her wrists, and a knee-length skirt that flowed gracefully as she moved, allowing for comfort and modesty.

With trembling hands, and nerves roiling in her gut, she descended the grand staircase, each step echoing through the ornate halls of the Bako manor. She was almost in the clear when a voice called out from behind her.

"Yaseerah, where do you think you're going all dressed up like this?"

Yaseerah froze in her tracks, her heart sinking as she turned to see Lubna standing in the doorway leading to the hallway. Lubna's eyes bore into her, assessing her appearance with a critical gaze.

Yaseerah's lips tightened as she tried to come up with a plausible excuse, but the truth was she had none.

"I don't recall having to answer to you," Yaseerah replied, her tone dripping with defiance.

Lubna's expression hardened, and she took a step closer to Yaseerah, her voice low and filled with warning. "You may be getting married soon, but you still live under this roof, Yaseerah. Your father wouldn't like it if he found out you've gone out without his permission."

Yaseerah couldn't deny the truth in Lubna's words, but she wasn't about to let Lubna see how rattled she was.

So, instead of showing fear, Yaseerah tilted her head and smirked, "Oh, Lubna, don't you remember? Father is a changed man now. He's not as strict as he used to be, or so you said."

Lubna's eyes narrowed, and for a moment, Yaseerah wondered if she had pushed her too far. But then Lubna sighed, seemingly resigned. "Just be careful, Yaseerah. You know how unpredictable he can be."

"I think you need to be careful more than I do," Yaseerah retorted, her gaze flicking towards Lubna's belly, before she returned it to the woman herself.

Lubna pursed her lips, before she retreated back into the manor, leaving Yaseerah standing there, a mixture of dread and apprehension swirling within her.

She couldn't shake the feeling that her actions were leading her down a dangerous path, one she might not be able to turn back from. But for the life of her, she couldn't think of any reason-apart from her father's wrath- that was worthy of her reconsidering her path.

As she placed her hand on the door handle, the anticipation of what lay beyond sent a shiver down her spine.

With one last deep breath, Yaseerah opened the door and stepped out onto the stone pathway leading to the gate.

Her heart raced, and her palms grew clammy. She had to keep reminding herself that this was a mere tea outing, nothing more.

There, parked at the gate, was Fulan's sleek midnight blue car. She hesitated for a moment, watching the play of shadows on the car's hood as leaves rustled overhead.

Then, gathering her courage, she approached the driver's side, where Fulan waited.

He looked up as she approached, and the smile that spread across his face sent a jolt through her.

"Yaseerah," he said warmly, smile still intact. "You look beautiful."

She felt her cheeks flush as she stepped closer to the car, her heart pounding. "Thank you, Fulan. You look...nice too."

As she settled into the passenger seat, the scent of his cologne enveloped her, a heady mix of spice and sophistication. Her pulse quickened, and she chastised herself for being so acutely aware of his presence.

Fulan pulled away from the manor's gate, and the world outside blurred into an intricate mixture of lights and shadows, her mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.

She knew she shouldn't be here, that this was wrong on so many levels, but there was something about Fulan that kept drawing her in, something that made her curious about what could be.

Yaseerah couldn't help but steal glances at him, her eyes tracing the contours of his face, the movement of his lips as he spoke. She could feel the magnetic pull between them, and it both thrilled and terrified her.

"So, Yaseerah," Fulan began, breaking the silence, "tell me, what's your favorite place in the city, apart from the equestrian centre?"

Yaseerah hesitated for a moment, her gaze fixed on the passing scenery. How could she tell him that she had never been allowed the choice to go anywhere she wanted? How could she tell him the equestrian centre was one of her best kept secrets?

"Just there, I suppose."


"And the lake beyond the trees, it's a peaceful place."

Fulan smiled, and his eyes briefly met hers before returning to the road. "Ah, the lake. A perfect spot for reflection, isn't it? I imagine you spend a lot of time there?"

I wish.

"Not as much as I'd like. But, it's my sanctuary, away from the chaos of home."

"You know," Fulan said, his voice taking on a more serious tone, "I think it's important for everyone to have a place where they can be themselves, away from expectations."

Yaseerah nodded, a hint of sadness in her eyes. "I've always felt like I'm living up to everyone else's expectations, not my own."

Fulan glanced at her, his expression understanding. "I can't imagine how challenging that must be. But maybe, just for tonight, you can set those expectations aside and be whoever you want to be?"

Yaseerah's heart skipped a beat at Fulan's words. They held a promise of freedom she had long yearned for, and she allowed herself to believe, if only for a moment, that she could be someone different tonight.

As the conversation flowed, Yaseerah's doubts and second-guesses gradually faded into the background. Fulan's presence was like a balm to her anxious soul, and she found herself sharing more about herself than she had ever intended.

"Where exactly are we going?"

"How about where it all started?" Fulan's tone was suggestive, and Yaseerah couldn't help the giggle that escaped her throat.

"Where it all started seems like the right place to be," she responded, a fond smile playing on her lips.

Yaseerah couldn't help but wonder if this impromptu outing might be the beginning of something she had never dared to imagine-a chance to break free from the suffocating expectations of her family and discover her own path.

The car slowed as they approached a quaint tea shop, and Yaseerah turned to him with a questioning gaze, as he turned off the engine.

"I promised you tea," he said, his eyes locking onto hers. "Are you ready?"

Yaseerah's gaze flicked towards the tea shop, wondering if his gentle invitation was for something other than just tea.

Yaseerah took a deep breath, her heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. She nodded, her eyes sparkling with newfound hope as she turned to gaze at him. "Yes, I'm ready."

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