Part 28 ( Cousin SHYAM )

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Were Enjoying his company very much!!

Khushi didn't understand what he meant. She become confused.

Hearing no reply from her he added.

Why did you both even came here for dance. Just have stayed down there and continued your funny interesting talks.

What are you saying. Does it making any sense? She was hell confuse and there position wasn't helping at all also.

Ohh yaa how could it even make sense since i am saying it and you will pissed off for sure. He was highly pissed off.

Did something possessed him. What he is even talking. It isn't making any sense now. What has happened to him. Khushi thought.

Arnav leave me. My hand is paining. I think you're not in your senses right now. She struggled but all in vain as he is much more stronger.

I am in my total senses but i think you're missing that so called Armaan. Arnav said. He himself doesn't know what he is saying.

Now from where did he came from. What has happened to you. Why are you talking like that. Khushi said in concerned tune.

Khushi you.... He stopped suddenly reality hitted him. He immediately loose his grip from her hand when he realised he is grabbing it way to tightly hurting her.

He noticed her hand became red. He cursed himself for hurting her.
He brought her hand close to his lips and kissed her palm dropping her jaws.

She didn't expected this from him even in her wild dream that to Infront of everyone. SHIT!!!

I am sorry!! He apologised. How could he forgot who is she. How can he hurt her again. Hadn't he had enough of hurting her back than.

On the other hand khushi felt butterflies in her stomach when his lips touched her palm softly.

The crowd down there started gossiping when they witnessed this scene. They started taking pictures. Both Khushi Arnav were damn close.

Rani was just smiling teasingly and Jahaan, Raj don't know how to react.

Aman also came back to Earth hearing gossips. Anjali was hell shocked. Now she got the confirmation that she is Khushi her Bhabhi. Bcz Arnav can't be this soft to anyone.

Aman immediately went towards them bringing them back to earth.

Khushi looked towards the crowd hell embarrassed. Arnav was still looking at her intensely.

Not able to bear the gazes towards her. She ran toward her room. Aman grabbed Arnav's arm and Brough him towards garden area.

What the hell Arnav. Are you understanding what were you doing.
Everyone were there. Aman shouted not too loudly.

That's good than. The sooner they get to know she is mine the better it is. Arnav calmly replied.

What should i do to you. That was not s place for you to romance with her knowing that she hasn't gotten her memory back. Tell me what would she be feeling that you're just using her as she is similar to your wife. Arnav are you even listening.  He was so frustrate. Arnav was messing every thing up.

Done?? Is your anger down now so listen up. Firstly, Dr Aryan had given me permit to do everything which will made khushi to remember her past. Secondly, even if she will think something like that I am using her so i will make it clear to her that I am doing all this bcz you're the one with whom i should do it and lastly the public should know that Arnav Singh Raizada belongs to only one person. Arnav said like no one is more calmer than him.

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