When ya'll hang out - 💛🧡💚

Start from the beginning



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fter the two of you dressed into your clothes you lead her over to the manhole and motioned for her to slip into it.

"He lives in the sewers? You know what that actually makes perfect sense." She laughed before slipping in.

You followed her in and lead her to their place, before walking through the door with her.

"GUYS!!! LOOK WHO I BROUGHT WITH ME!!!" You yelled but a second later you heard raph's voice and it didn't sound very happy.

"MIKEY I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!' And with that Mikey came running from their bed running from Raph then it all happened really fast. Mikey slipped on something and came crashing onto B/F/N, knocking her to the floor.


I was messing around with Raph's sais a few seconds prior and before I new it the tip was just a little bit bent and then Raph was chasing me into the living room. It was super hilarious.

So much that I didn't even notice the leg of dad's chair in the way and I came crashing down.

Taking....a girl with me??

That's right.

In 5 seconds, I was lying, on the, floor, on top of, a girl.

Could this day get any stranger.

Her face was dusted in pink and her hair was stragled all of her face, she was staring at me, and I stared back into her (colour) eyes.

"Hi there." I laughed, looking up at her and then it two seconds I realised that I was lying....no where special really....on her chest!!!

My face started getting pretty hot myself but she smiled back at me, her hair still a mess in front of her face.

"Hey." She replied and pulled her hair out of her face, I took my head out of her chest and sat up, she did the same.

We sat there just sort of staring at eachother for ages, and I started examine ever single part of her face, her eyes, nose, lips, hair. It was all beautiful.

Just staring at her made me want to whip out my sketchbook and draw her. Capturing her beauty on a book just to keep with me.

-B/F/N's POV- 💚

There was a mutant turtle lying on my chest, and I'm not quite sure how to feel about it.

His mask was bright orange and he was a lot taller than me, his cheeks were a dusty pink over his green skin, his hands were on the ground near my hips while he lifted himself up and stared at.

I stared back, taking in all of his features, I can now totally understand why Y/N is attracted to Leo, this ninja turtle was sort of adorable as he stared up at me.

Just then someone cleared his throat snapping us both out of our trances.


Leo had cleared his throat which caught Mikey and B/F/N out of their imaginations with a snap.

"What's going on here?" He said in an obviously audible voice.

"Nothing!!"" The two of them yelled in unison.

"I mean-" They also said together, then jumped and blushed. Mikey then scrambled off of her and stood next to Leo. B/F/N got up and stood next to you looking determinedly at the floor, her cheeks now bright red.

"Hey Dorks! ARE WE GONNA PLAY SOME GAMES OR JUST STAND HERE BLUSHIN??" Donnie yelled sitting down on the floor and starting the game up.

B/F/N, looking unapologetic to leave the situation, quickly sat down on the rug next to Raph, and Mikey took a seat next to Donnie.

Leo put his arm around your waist and whispered in your ear. "You saw the way they were looking at eachother right?"

You laughed and nodded your head.

You took a seat next to Leo on the floor and played some random six-player game.

To coincidentally, you and Leo were a team against Raph and Donnie and Mikey and B/F/N.

Both were blushing a great deal when it came to picking the teams, although ultimately, they came second place after you and Leo and Raph and Donnie accepted defeat.

But hey, that's what happens when you put a power couple together on a video game.

After that you guys watched F/M with pizza, snacks and popcorn.

And Mikey and B/F/N ended up sat on the floor together sharing a box of popcorn and You and Leo couple help but fangirl.

"I can't believe my little brother has already grown up!!"  He texted.

"I know!!! This is so adorable to watch!!!🤭🤭"

"Oh my gawd!!! They just both reached for the popcorn at the same time!!"

Throughout the whole of the movie you and Leo texted about shipping the two of them together and when it was time for the two of you to leave, things got interesting.

Leo hugged you around the shoulders and kissed your cheek gently. Before whispering: "We're totally setting them up right?"

"Totally." Standing on tiptoe and returning the kiss.

B/F/N was about to follow you out the door when Mikey stopped her and handed her a painting of her favourite flowers. She'd loved them since she was 7.

"Mikey? How did you know these were my favourite?" She exclaimed looking at the drawing.

"You just seem like you would like them..." he mumbled and waved at her.

"Bye, Mikey." She smiled.

"Bye, B/F/N." He smiled back and with that the two of you climbed out of the manhole, and B/F/N was smiling the whole way there.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter because I really enjoyed writing it!!! Also apologies that his chapter isn't about Leo and Y/N that much I kind of wanted to focus on Mikey and B/F/N!!
Later ShyBeanz,🧡🔥💚

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