"Leah I'm so passionate about what I do! Of course I've thought about life and shit and obviously I tried out a completely different life as being a stripper. Here I am now with the job I've been wanting!"

"Yes but-"

"I don't want to stop doing what I'm doing Leah."

"Can you let me talk? Every time I try to help out you want to defend yourself and not let me have a chance" she says in a tone. I stayed quiet and looked at her through the screen.

"You're such a beautiful woman and i love that you're so confident in yourself. You're so popular, you break people's neck as you pass by them which I love and hate but that's obviously because you're my person. And you have a big opportunity coming up and you're already doubting about going just cause of that job? I know you worked hard for that but think about it. You worked hard as a stripper too. You being the queen at that club and it got you so out there and now these big companies know about you. I get asked about you all the time at work too! Like..this fashion week can change your whole life."

"But what if I don't like that life."

"You don't like when people admire you? Praise you for being you instead of being so stressed out on a daily routine at that job? Working under someone? You should be your own boss."

"Well.. I do like it. But Ive spent years studying and stressing out to get where I am now. I was doing both stripper life and school and work and all that shit. I barely had time to myself. My party life was being a stripper."

"You can be so much more free if you went this other path."

"I don't know Leah. What if it goes wrong. What if this fashion week is just a one time thing. I lose my job. Then what?"

"I'll help you"


"Why not?"

"I don't want you to help me."

"You helped me" Leah says. I sighed and continued to eat.

"Baby..just try it. Please"

"Why are you begging me so much at this point?"

"Your fiancé can't help you in something she sees potential in?"

"I mean"

"You're just not used to having someone support you so much. Is it that?"

"You're not supporting me. You're pushing me away from what I want to do"

"I'm supporting you Jennifer! I've supported you but I'm also the only person who knows the ins and out of you. I see you going somewhere with how beautiful you are. Do you want to just work every day the rest of your life in the healthcare world? Or be free, getting easy money for just posing and getting to travel a lot for free?"

"I don't know Leah. I'm tired. Don't ask me when I'm coming home from a long ass stressful day."

"Oh. Alright."

I sighed and finished up my food.

"I guess long distance has really fucked us up. We barely have sex and we're so moody"

"Well couples argue all the time. Deal with it." I said.

"Um..it's kind of hard to deal with it when you're living across the country from me"

"I don't wanna argue. Seriously Leah"

"We're not arguing"

"You're starting"


I gave her a look. She rolls her eyes and shakes her head. "Nevermind. Finish your food so you can shower"

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