NOT A CHAPTER! Just a question for all of you!

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Soo, this is not a chapter and I just wanted to ask you guys a question that somebody reminded me of in the last chapter.

Do you want Athanasia and Claude to be the "bad guys" or have them eventually reconcile with Jeanette after accepting their mistake?

Either way it's fine for me but depending on what my audience wants I'll write my story in that direction. The next chapter is dependant on this alone so I will wait some time, enough time that I get a few opinions and answers to this so I can satisfy as many people as possible.

Depending on what people want more I'll choose that so it's up to majority.

There's not really an amount of time I'll wait for? As soon as I get enough answers on this matter I'll start writing my story again.

That's all! Sorry I couldn't get out another chapter for you all but I just had to know your opinions on this before writing further! Have a great day and make sure to let me know your answers<3

Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 29, 2023 ⏰

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