Chapter 7: The Vertium's

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Authors note: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SO MANY READSSSS! I never thought this day would come and so I just want to thank whoever's reading my story so far and is actually taking the time to enjoy it! Extremely sorry it took me so long to update this story but I just finished my exams today and it's been hectic but went extremely well! I appreciate you all and again tysm<333 enjoy the chapter:))


"The Vertium's are the reason for Diana's death." Mielle said, bluntly.

Athanasia's world stilled, it seemed fragile and frangible, soon it came crashing down like a thousand spears in her back. Her heart sunk and her lips quivered, her eyes started to feel wet and her fists were clenched tightly, scarlet blood seeping out.

With her shattered voice, she could make out in the most speechless voice, "Wha...t?..."
And as if something else took control, she lifted up her palm and swung it across Mielle's face without a second thought. A thud resonated throughout the surroundings and the librarian rushed out of the building in a hurry. Her face dropped with the scene in front of her and she made her way towards the two "travellers".

"HOW DARE YOU SAY SUCH A THING!? My mother...she...she died while giving birth to me! There's nothing else that happened! There's no way someone else killed her." Tears flooded out of the blonde's eyes while she said those words. They seemed to never end.

"Well...that's just what you were told. The reality, is much more than that. I'm sure the truth was hidden from you by your father because he didn't want to ruin the little hope you had left in your dear sister but the truth remains, the Vertium's, moreover Jeanette's blood family was responsible for your mother's death. Jeanette is the reason your mom died, it was her birth that made the Vertium's kill your mother. Diana didn't die of childbirth, such a woman as your mother dying of childbirth? Doesn't the idea seem preposterous?" Mielle said, on the ground with one side of her cheek swollen red and her eyes as cold as ever. Slowly she lifted herself up, eyeing the blonde in front of her. A smile crept her way on her face, an...innocent one.

"Now, do you want to know more or...?"

The blonde grabbed Mielle by her collar and thrashed her around saying, "Tell me everything you know."

The Pedalian mansion

The silver Pedalians, a powerful house rivalling the Agriche's was currently in a situation of distress. One of their daughters, the youngest one in fact had disappeared.

"Cassis, where could she even go!? She was right here last night!" Sylvia Pedalian, the sheltered daughter of the Pedalians spoke in a tone brimming with worry, scurrying around looking for her younger sister.

"She's always wandered off but this is the first time she's disappeared!" Cassis said while trying to look for their youngest sister.

"Oh my god, I hope she's okay!" Sylvia said in utmost panic and anxiety.
"Don't fret! We'll find her soon." Cassis reassured his sister.

"Oh, Mielle."

The brunette Jeanette had been travelling for some time and has just stopped for a stretch.

"It'll take me another day to get to Obelia, if everything goes accordingly." She thought inwardly.

Just then a long sword was thrust towards her and her reflexes shifted her body smoothly towards the right as she glared at the person behind her. It was an Obelian knight.

With a string of smooth movements the brunette had pinned down the Obelian knight and stabbed a dagger through his palm to keep him down.

"And to what pleasure do I owe this visit?" She smirked at the trembling and writhing knight under neath her.

" wench! Jeanette Margarita! In the name of the Emperor I will make sure you die! The royal knights had already spotted you a few days ago and the news must have reached his majesty already! You're done for!" The knight spewed out in a venomous tone, he was in pure agony as Jeanette kicked him in the stomach.

"Be of some use and give me some new information, I'm not so naive as to not notice that, anything new from his majesty?" Jeanette mocked.

", planned that!?" The knight yelled.
Jeanette's face cringed and she covered her ear, "Be a bit softer, you've already been a disgrace to the Obelian Empire, the least you could do is spill some information now you useless scumbag."

The knight whimpered under the brunette's foot and cowered in fear. He felt around him for something to attack with and found a dagger but Jeanette was much too quick and kicked the dagger away. She sighed and decided it wasn't worth it to waste this much time so she drew her long, bloody sword towards the guards neck and the knight shouted, "FILTHY VERTIUM!" before the brunette had bring down the sword and slashed through the frightened knight's neck.

Her jewelled eyes darkened and a dark hue fell around her face. "How say that about the ones who almost destroyed the Empire."

Not bothering to dispose of the body she climbed back onto her horse and sped away towards, only a bit further away.

With Athanasia and Mielle
"Tell me, how the Vertium's were responsible for my mother's death. She died of childbirth." The Crown Princess had grabbed Mielle's collar and was glaring daggers towards her.

"You surely don't believe that blasphemy? Your mother? Dying of child birth? When she had all the greatest mages and doctors around her? When the Obelian Emperor who had so deeply fallen in love with that woman was with her?

No, it wasn't childbirth, it was the Vertium's. A powerful family of the west had quite the feud with Obelia. Riots used to break out and countless soldiers used to die in their banters, both of them wanted to destroy each other, until nothing of the other was left. This was before even Jeanette's mother, Penelope had betrayed the current Emperor, Claude. They always loathed each other and know one knew the reason.

The previous Emperor, Anastacius led a war against the Vertium's, and it was frankly revolting. It was ended short but everything was covered in the putrid smell of blood and every inch was a crimson scarlet. The Vertium's had lost and to make up for it they arranged a political scheme, an arranged marriage.

The Vertium's have special powers, they can and are famous for puppets but their most famous technique is "puppet strings" a method by which they can take control of anything and everyone. This was very important for an Emperor and almost every Emperor was ready to marry a Vertium to be able to control people and pass on this trait to their heir's.

Now the scheme was to offer a pure blooded Vertium woman's hand in marriage to the Emperor and that woman was Lady Penelope "Judith". She took on her father's last name before dying so as to not cause problems to her only child Jeanette but to be secure Jeanette took on her Aunt's last name, "Margarita." Penelope's also the half sister of Maria Agriche, she is the woman who married Lant Agriche and had his most favoured son "Dion". Penelope and Maria have the same father but different mother's. Maria was born through wedlock while Penelope was born due to an affair.

Coming back to the more important point, the Vertium's wedded Anastacius and Penelope, made sure they had a child who is Jeanette and then launched an attack on the castle to kill the Obelians. They presumed Claude had already killed Anastacius and then killed Diana. They tried to kill you too but Claude protected you with dark magic.
Their mission was to kill everyone related to the Obelians and make Jeanette the Empress and the only ruler, it was a scheme to usurp power but alas they failed and the last of them except Jeanette were wiped out by Claude.

Or atleast's that's what people say, everyone here knows all that happened during that night. There are rumours floating around that a few Vertium's are still alive and are bidding their time, and they might be. For now though, they haven't been spotted for more than two decades. That's the full story."

The Unlucky Brunette (WMMAP Jeanette Fanfic) Jeanette x Jeremy Agricheजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें