Chapter 25

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Days turned into weeks, and Aurora's dreams grew increasingly disturbed. Visions of shadowy figures and ominous whispers plagued her nights, leaving her restless and unsettled. The fairies, too, noticed the change in her demeanor and grew concerned.

"It's as if a dark cloud hangs over her," Merryweather murmured, her brows furrowing with worry.

Flora nodded in agreement. "We must find a way to help her, to free her from whatever torment she's facing."

Fauna, ever the empathetic one, approached Aurora with a gentle smile. "My dear, is there something troubling you? You can talk to us, you know."

Aurora hesitated, her eyes clouded with fear. "I... I don't understand. These dreams, these visions... they feel so real, as if they're trying to tell me something."

Merryweather placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Perhaps they are trying to guide you, to show you a path you're meant to take."

But Maleficent's dark magic had woven its way into Aurora's dreams, manipulating the images that flickered through her mind. In one dream, she saw herself standing in front of a looming, thorn-covered castle, a sense of dread washing over her. In another, she witnessed the kingdom she loved engulfed in shadows, its people suffering under an unseen force.

The fairies, too, saw glimpses of these dreams in their own slumber, and it sent shivers down their spines. They knew that Maleficent was at the heart of this darkness, that she was orchestrating these nightmares to lead Aurora astray.

One night, as Aurora lay in her bed, a particularly vivid dream took hold of her. She found herself standing in a desolate landscape, the air thick with malevolence. Before her stood a figure shrouded in darkness, its eyes glowing with an unholy light.

"Aurora," the figure hissed, its voice echoing like a ghostly whisper. "Embrace the power within you. Embrace the darkness, and all shall bow before you."

Aurora gasped, her heart pounding in her chest. She tried to flee, but the ground beneath her feet seemed to shift and contort, trapping her in place. The figure drew closer, its presence suffocating.

"No!" Aurora cried out, her voice breaking through the dream. She woke with a start, her breaths coming in ragged gasps.

The fairies rushed to her side, their faces etched with concern. "Aurora, what happened?" Flora asked, her voice laced with worry.

Aurora recounted her dream, her hands trembling as she spoke. The fairies exchanged grim looks, realizing the gravity of the situation. Maleficent's influence was growing stronger, her dark magic seeping into every corner of Aurora's life.

"We can't let her succumb to this darkness," Fauna said, her determination shining in her eyes. "We have to find a way to break the hold Maleficent has on her."

The fairies set out to uncover the source of Maleficent's power, hoping to find a way to counteract it and save Aurora from the impending darkness.

But Maleficent was watching their every move, her eyes glinting with malicious intent. She reveled in Aurora's inner turmoil, knowing that soon, the princess would be under her complete control.

Rising from the Ash: The Tale of MaleficentWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu