Chapter-22 Between Life and Death.

Start from the beginning

Nami, Luffy and Ussop looked at Zoro in eyes full or worry that they might lost Zoro forever.

At Garp's Marine Vessel,
Mihawk is waiting for Garp at his room while Garp and Koby walked in looking at Mihawk sitting on his seat.

Nice of you to show up." Garp says with a smirk,

"I thought this was a conversation we might have in private.." Mihawk says looking at Koby,

"Dismissed, Cadet..!" Garp says while Koby nod and walked out closing the door,

"So..! Where's Luffy..?" Garp ask with a suspicious look,

"I decided to let him go.." Mihawk says legs crossed on the table,

"I specifically told you to bring him to me.." Garp says with a disappointed look,

"Come now, Vice Admiral..!
I don't take orders,
Not even from the likes of you." Mihawk says with a shrug,

"As The Seven Warlords Of The Seas,
You serve at the pleasure of The World Government..
Without our immunity..." Garp says with an eyebrow rise but interrupted by Mihawk,

"I would still do precisely what i want... No More and No Less.
And what i want, is to see what becomes of that young man when he enters The Grand Line..." Mihawk says with a glare,

"Ha..! Like i would let that happen.." Garp says with a laugh,

"Then you have your work cut out for you, Vice Admiral...
Because that boy is, Interesting..!
Who knows..!
Maybe your grandson will be the one to find The One Piece, Afterall..!" Mihawk says putting Yoru on his back,

Mihawk opend the door and walked away while Garp stand there laughing at the thought of Luffy finding The Greatest Treasure.

At The Going Merry,
Sanji is cooking something for Luffy and his crew since they haven't eaten anything after Zoro's fight.
Luffy acts out of character Just sitting quite at one place and cleaning Wado Ichimonji.

"Hey Chore Boy..!
I'm making fish for you..
You like fish right..?" Sanji ask with a smile,

"I Love Fish...
But i just want to ready Zoro's sword for him when he wakes up.." Luffy says still cleaning The Sword,

"Luffy..! Uh,
Zoro's badly hurt and lost a lot of blood... Really a lot, Man..!
There is a tiny chance he might not make it.." Ussop says with a concerned sad look,

"Zoro's the strongest fighter i know after Shanks...
There's absolutely no way he's gonna let some Warlord to beat him.
It's only a matter of time when he wakes up and i really gotta get The Waddy Itchi Monkey ready for him.." Luffy says with a smile cleaning the Sword,

"The What..?" Sanji ask with a confused look,

"It's his Sword's name..
He said it's something special..
Hey Sanji..!
Can you cook Zoro's favorite food..?" Luffy ask with a bit excited,

What does he like..?" Sanji ask with a smile,

"He likes rice balls...
With chocolate on it..
And he really likes Sake aswell.
How about Chocolate RiceBalls soaked in sake..?" Luffy ask with a smile,

"I can make anything...
Just tell me what you want.." Sanji says with a laugh,

"I want him to eat...
But i also want him to rest so that his wounds can heel fast...Or,
Maybe...Maybe he needs some water..
After all of that fighting, he must be awfully thirsty.
But he might also be tired,
So...So we should just let him rest..." Luffy says kinda panicking but hiding his worries and sadness behind his fake smile,

Ussop was worried aswell but Sanji noticed what Luffy is going through..

"Being a captain...
Is not easy as you think, Chore Boy..!
Zeff once told me that making decisions is what separates a Captain from the rest of his crew.
And he was one of the Best Pirate Captains that ever sailed the seas." Sanji says smiling with a shrug and continued cooking,

"OLD MAN ZEFF WAS A PIRATE..?" Luffy ask with excitement in his eyes,

"Yeah, Used to..
He was the Captain of The Dreaded Cook Pirates. They used to call him "Red Leg Zeff.." Sanji says with a proud smile,

"Well how you two meet..?
Were you on his crew or something..?" Luffy ask with excitement,

"Not Exactly..." Sanji says with a smirk thinking about his horrible past with Zeff.

To Be Continued....


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