Chapter 17. Sophie

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Alexander's hands roam my body as his mouth sucks all the energy out of me. Our never-ending kiss takes my breath away. The arousal hits my head and fills every cell, so much that I forget that we are in a public place, and there are several dozen people outside the door, including my best friend and his colleagues.

I had no idea how much I needed his touch. I slide my hands under Alexander's shirt, feeling his collarbones and shoulders, digging into his skin with my nails every time he bites my tongue and lips.

I like that I can be crazy with him. He lets me be that way around him. Unlike other people, in front of whom I must be a cultured and decent girl, the way my parents raised me.

My moans are more like sobs as Alexander descends lower, his kisses trailing down my neck to the neckline of my dress. The fabric is so close to my body that it is impossible to move it, which is why he curses through his teeth.

"Don't rip it," I beg him as the voice of commonsense breaks through my hazy mind, screaming that I still must go back to the party.

Alexander grins, but leaves the dress alone, kneeling in front of me. He lifts the already too high hem and runs his hands from my waist to my buttocks. My skin instantly responds to his touch, covered with chills.

Rough fingers hook the lace of the panty and slide them over my thighs. I move my feet, allowing Alexander to take them off me. The clatter of my heels echoing in my ears.

He spreads my legs wider and covers the place that was hidden under the fabric just a moment ago with his lips. The air leaves my lungs and I throw my head back, banging the back of my head against the door frame. My skin prickles from the direct contact of his stubble and a rolling wave of desire pulses through me.

It doesn't take long for Alexander to make streaks of lightning flash before my eyes. I was madly hungry for his caresses. I bite my lip, stifling a loud moan, and cover my mouth with my hand to hold back the sound of passion.

He rises to his feet, crumpling my lace panties in his hand and stuffing it into his suit jacket pocket. He carefully straightens my dress and tucks a stray strand of hair behind my ear as I recover.

"I want you to walk like this all evening and remember what happened here," he whispers next to my lips, and then gives me a light kiss.

Adrenaline pumps through my veins as I step out of the bathroom after finishing my make-up. "Down there" is unusually free and cool. Before, I never even thought I could afford to go without underwear, especially in such a short dress.

"Where were you!" Christine runs up to me as soon as I go to the bar to take a glass of champagne. My throat is unbearably dry. "I've been looking for you everywhere, where have you been?"

"In the closet," I smile tautly as I take a sip. The bubbles pleasantly tickle my palate and immediately make me lightheaded.

"It's strange, I went there and called you, but you didn't answer," Christine narrows her eyes.

"Probably didn't hear you," I shrug my shoulders and wonder at how easy it is for me to lie to my friend straight to her face. "I was wearing headphones, trying to catch my breath. You know me, I'm not really used to this amount of attention."

"Exactly," she smiles. "You really are a home body, girl; you would prefer chamomile tea to parties."

Christine wraps her arms around my shoulders and reaches for my ear.

"Jeff is here," she whispers hotly, nodding toward the tables. "I want to introduce you to him and get your opinion."

I easily find the blond guy sitting in the company of Christine's father. They are talking about something intensely and drinking whiskey. As if sensing my gaze, Alexander turns his head in our direction and looks straight in my eyes. The corner of his lip lifts slightly, and he gives me a tiny wink, his hand clutching the silk and lace hidden in his suit pocket.

My lower abdomen begins to blaze with fire, and my cheeks flush a dark pink. I gulp down the remains of the cold champagne to cool myself. Water from the sweating flute glass runs down my fingers and it seems to me that it instantly evaporates when it meets my heated skin.

Christine leads me by the hand through the crowd, which is already wriggling in drunken ecstasy to the sensational music hits of this summer.

"Jeff," Christine calls him too enthusiastically as she walks over to the table, "this is my best friend, Soph. Soph, this is Jeff, my dad's business partner."

I pretend to see Jeff for the first time and that Christine hasn't told me everything about him already.

"Nice to meet you," I nod in response to his handshake.

"It's mutual," Jeff says disinterestedly and turns back to Alexander.

"Daddy, well, you already know Soph. I won't introduce you," Christine laughs nervously, clearly annoyed by the reaction of the object of her dreams.

"Good evening, Sophie," Alexander narrows his eyes. "I hope you're enjoying the party."

"More than that," I answer, bringing my knees together. "The party is amazingly organized."

"I'm glad to hear it," he smiles slyly, and lightning strikes my body. Because of our secret, this dialogue becomes ambiguous, and I turn on once again, dreaming of feeling Alexander's hands on my skin. It seems that I will never get enough of his closeness.

"Well, let's go," Christine purses her lips, keeping her eyes on Jeff. I don't even have to worry about the fact that she could notice our exchange of glances with Alexander, Christine is so passionate about looking at the blonde.

"Go dance," her father suggests, and I can hear the commanding note in his voice. "One of the best DJs in the country is playing tonight."

Christine takes me to the dance floor with a quick step, trying to match the beats of the music. She is clearly worried about Jeff's indifference.

"He doesn't like me at all," she breathes sadly.

"Why do you think so?"

"Did you see how he acted? Like an iceberg," she literally spits out the last word.

I can't help laughing as I watch Christine's comical anger.

"How should he behave when your dad is around? Throw himself around your neck with a boner?" I make assumptions without thinking about my words.

"Ugh, when did you get so vulgar?" she wrinkles her nose.

"It's the champagne," I shrug. I don't know when I became like this either.

"A man is known by the company he keeps," an inner voice chuckles, making me smile.

"You're probably right," Christine says thoughtfully. "We'll have to catch him when he's alone."

We laugh merrily. Christine noticeably calms down after my words, and we finally surrender to the power of music and alcohol seething in the blood.

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