Chapter 3. Sophie

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I scrutinize my reflection in the elevator mirror as it ascends to the panoramic restaurant at the top of the hotel where we're celebrating Christine's birthday. I hope my bodycon black satin dress with straps and heeled sandals will fit the cocktail dress code. I keep my eyes on the strap and smile involuntarily, remembering how the stranger's fingers touched it. I run my hands through my straightened hair and use my little finger to smooth the contour of my red lipstick.

The elevator door opens, and I enter the restaurant, nervously clutching a gift box. There are too many people here that I don't know, and I'm not even sure that Christine knows all of them. The gathered men and women look like a group of shareholders attending a meeting for a large company, not the birthday party of a young woman celebrating twenty-three years of life.

"Soph!" Christine emerges from the crowd that entangles her, and she rushes towards me. She, as always, is dressed to the nines: a golden short dress with matching pumps. "I'm so glad to see you, you won't believe it. Of everyone here, I only know you and a few of our classmates. I have no idea who these people are. They don't even know me but they congratulate me and give me expensive gifts," she looks over the crowd while showing me the brand-new Cartier watch adorning her wrist.

Anxiously, I fidget with the package in my hands. Inside is an ordinary set of cosmetics; although it is her favorite brand. It lacks luster compared to others.

"Happy birthday," I congratulate Christine and hand her the gift. "I wish you many, many happy moments."

She smiles happily and starts to unwrap it. I wave my hands to stop her from opening it now, because I am extremely ashamed and afraid to see the disappointment on her face.

"This is my favorite mascara and lipstick," she screams when she gets to the contents. "You are a miracle! I just ran out and couldn't find more. It was sold out everywhere!"

Christine hugs me tightly and kisses me on both cheeks. Her reaction makes my lips stretch into a smile that is instantly replaced by bewilderment. I feel a familiar nervous vibration spreading across the entire surface of my skin, even before I see the reason.

"Oh, there he is," my friend whispers, and I turn around in the direction she's looking.

Lightning shoots through me as I meet the dark gaze of the man who has exited the elevator. I recognize him immediately, and the memory of the snake tattoo encircling his waist under that black suit jacket makes my body tingle.

Without taking his eyes off me, he heads straight in our direction. On his arm is a tall, curvaceous and long haired blond. I want to run away, but my legs seem to be rooted to the floor. I fiddle with the hem of Christine's dress like a little girl and ask her to show me where the restroom is, but she can't hear me. She, too, is gazing intently at my Stranger.

As he comes closer, it becomes unbearably tight in this spacious hall. My lungs cease to draw in air, refusing to , and my palms instantly become clammy. What is he doing here? Who is this girl next to him?

"Thank you for such a great evening," Christine opens her arms and hugs the approaching man, who continues to look at me from behind her shoulder. "The party is absolutely fabulous, Dad."

"Dad" rumbles in my ears. I swallow nervously. I feel the vein on my temple pulsate, and the blood begins to circulate faster. I sense the man wishing Christine a happy birthday and saying something about a brighter future, but I can't hear anything, as if I'm trapped in a vacuum. It had never entered my mind that my Stranger from the hotel could be someone's father, and even less so that he would be the father of my best friend.

"Soph," Christine shakes my shoulder attempting to get my attention. I come out of my daze and try in vain to put on a smile. I assume I'm wearing it crookedly, because the blonde frowns at the sight of my face.

"Soph, this is my dad, Alexander Bailey," Christine introduces me to the dark-haired man. "Dad, this is my best friend."

"Does your friend have a full name or is her name, Soph?" Is it me or am I hearing a smile in his voice? Goosebumps send shivering prickles over my body, as if wrapped in something velvety.

"Sophie Williams," my friend answers for me, putting her arm around my shoulders, like a mother who is infinitely proud of her daughter. I feel uncomfortable.

"Nice to meet you, Sophie," Alexander's lips curl up slightly, and he holds out his hand to me. I look at it as if it's something unknown to me, and invisible burns appear on my skin where those long, tanned fingers once caressed my body.

"It's mutual," my voice raises an octave, making me almost squeal. I hold out a trembling hand. I feel like I've been struck by lightning as he wraps his fingers around mine and leans down to kiss the back of my hand, his intent gaze never leaving my eyes.

How did I not see such a striking resemblance between Christine and the stranger before? The shade of his brown eyes, the lustre of his black hair, the profile of his straight nose and well-defined cheekbones. Christine has a defined dimple in her chin, but the Stranger's dimple is not as noticeable because of his short beard.

"Alex," the blonde draws in her voice and holds tighter to Alexander's elbow. "Come on, let's go say hello to Duncan. He's been trying to get your attention."

Alexander breaks away from my hand and looks towards the man mentioned by his companion.

"Excuse us, girls," Alexander says before turning to leave, taking the blonde with him.

"Oh," Christine rolls her eyes. "Dad is so mannered, and Lola is just Velcro. Always stuck to him."

I ignore my friend's words, continuing to watch Alexander's broad back, who at this moment is talking to a group of people. My cheeks turn red as I realize the absurdity of the situation: a week ago, during dinner, I reveled in dirty memories about my best friend's father, looking straight into her eyes. I urgently need a glass of cool water.

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