XXXVI | Suspended

Start from the beginning

"it's simple. they're either just homophobic and think they're funny, or they are just closeted men and are jealous of you guys." felix exclaimed.

chan cocked an eyebrow.

"i think the first option is the more likely-"

"you'd be surprised how many times i've been asked to leave bin for these weirdly straight looking guys." felix whined.

chan's eyes widened.

"wow. i wouldn't have thought. anyone do that to you, binnie?" chan teased.

changbin just rolled his eyes.

"yeah, no- fuck you." changbin scoffed as he pushed himself off the wall and walked out of the room.

the other two just laughed.

after a moment, felix was about to get up and find his boyfriend but chan suddenly stopped him.

"wait- felix?" chan spoke up as the boy began to stand up.

felix raised an eyebrow in question.

"yeah? what's up?" he asked as he stood up properly.

chan stood up as well and hesitantly walked over to the younger.

"i just have a question- um, minho always tells me to ignore everyone... but i don't really want to? i don't think we should have to just sit there and let them say all this shit, so... i don't know, do you think i should do something or just ignore them?" chan asked, looking anywhere in the room but at felix.

felix smiled softly before gently placing his hand on one of chan's shoulders.

"in my opinion, i think you shouldn't just ignore them. it's unhealthy and it feeds into your insecurities. i know minho is used to it and he doesn't know any better but i think you can change that for him. these people don't know what they're talking about, yeah? you two are amazing together and i don't want some dumb comments to destroy you guys. so, the next time someone says some shit, you should bash 'em!" felix snickered.

chan let out a breathy laugh.

"thanks, felix. will do." he winked.

felix just wiggled his eyebrows at the elder.

"i should go find changbin now-"

"yeah, i should probably go home. tell bin i said bye." chan said.

the boy just nodded and they went their seperate ways.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

a few days go by and it's been pretty easy going.

the people at school kept to themselves and maybe they decided to finally leave the poor couple alone.

but, one uneventful tuesday, chan comes into contact with another male student.

chan is supposed to be intimidating.

everyone at the school knows what he's capable of doing to a person.

but they continue to test him and push him to his limits.

chan was minding his own business, walking down the halls, on his way to the cafeteria when he suddenly hears someone whisper beside him.

"i wonder how good minho is in bed for even chan to get with him!" the boy snickered quietly as he crossed paths with chan.

nobody had said anything about minho to chan yet.

chan didn't realise how mad he could get from just a simple comment about the boy until it's said.

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