The words ‘people you don't know’ repeated in Jeremy's mind.

When Victoria heard this, she was furious. “Who does she think she is, telling me what to do? I will find your address, Miss Mute, and I will send you a bill to buy me a new dress, which I expect you to pay.”

Elsa used sign language to communicate with the bodyguard, who interpreted it as, “No need, we will see each other soon. You can give me the bill then.”

Victoria didn't understand what that meant. She was about to say something, only for Elsa to walk away in another direction.

Jeremy had been so lost in thought that he only snapped back to reality when Elsa was leaving the room. He immediately started following her, but the moment he walked out of the hall door, he couldn’t spot her anywhere. He had lost her.

Victoria gritted her teeth in anger. She felt humiliated again that day. She went to the bathroom and called her assistant to bring her a new dress.

As she changed in the bathroom, she suddenly saw a figure in the mirror. However, when she looked closely, there was no one there.

She even turned around to look where the mirror reflection came from, but there was no one there.

Ignoring what she saw earlier, she continued applying lipstick.

“Victoria!” a voice suddenly said.

Victoria turned around but didn’t see anyone. “Who is that?” she asked.

After a few seconds of no response, Victoria shook her head to clear her confusion and returned to the mirror. Just then, she heard footsteps, as if someone was walking towards her. She looked behind but couldn’t spot anyone.

Just as she was about to turn back, the lights in the bathroom went off.

When they came back on, a figure was standing behind her. It was a woman dressed in a long black dress, her face and hair looking dirty. Her eyes glowed green as she stared at Victoria.

When Victoria saw the woman in the mirror, she quickly turned around, thinking it was just a reflection. However, she was shocked to see an actual person behind her. Her face went pale as she froze, slowly moving backwards.

“E- Elsa!” Victoria stammered.

Elsa smiled and tilted her head. “Ghost in the graveyard, one two three. Ghost in the graveyard, will catch you,” she sang with a dark and melodic voice. That voice, it was exactly like Elsa’s to Victoria.

Victoria let out a blood-curdling scream, but it only lasted five seconds before the lights went off again.

Victoria almost went through the wall as she started screaming again. “No! No! Elsa! You stay away from me! You are dead! You cannot be alive! I killed you! You are dead! You are dead! I made sure you were dead! Stay away from me!”

Suddenly, the lights flicked open and Victoria’s assistant walked in, looking at the screaming Victoria confused.

She was cowering in a corner, covering her ears. “Miss McConnell, are you okay?”

When Victoria raised her head and didn’t see Elsa or anyone who looked like her, her heart started calming down.

She slowly started getting up from the floor. Her assistant helped her until she was on her feet. She saw how all the color had drained from Victoria’s face and asked, “Are you okay, Miss McConnell?”

Victoria looked around one more time, and when she didn’t see Elsa, she nodded. “Yes, yes, I'm fine... I'm... I'm fine.” She tried to compose herself.


It took Victoria 20 minutes to feel ready to get back to the auction. She looked around and didn’t see the lady with the glasses either, the one she felt resembled Elsa.

She went and sat next to Jeremy, who looked like he was deep in thought.

The auction started, and several paintings were brought out. The best one was always saved for last, so Victoria didn’t bid on any of them, except the last one.

As the auction continued, she calmed down completely, feeling like what she experienced was nothing but her mind playing a trick on her, for whatever reason.

It was now time for the last painting. Victoria hadn't seen the painting yet, but she turned to Jeremy excitedly and asked, “Jeremy, can I bid on this one?”

Jeremy didn’t even glance at her and just nodded before saying flatly, “sure.”

The auctioneer explained that this painting was Gabrielle Serrurier’s masterpiece. It was the one he made, and it was only when it was done that this auction was held.

The painting was then brought to the stage and turned to face the crowd. There were audible gasps from the crowd the moment their eyes saw the painting.

Jeremy was not interested at first, but upon hearing everyone’s reaction, he turned to look at the painting with interest, only to freeze when he realized the painting on stage was of Elsa.

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