the next day.

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It was a long night. You thrashed in your sleep. But only through the first hour. Tommy woke up in the middle of the night and then went out to find you sleeping on the couch. You were having a nightmare about the villagers. About the murderous look in there eyes. 

Tommy didn't know what you were dreaming about, but he felt upset that someone so nice was so sad. He picked up a weighted blanket and put it over you. He saw that calmed you down and looked for a glass of water. After he got a mug since he couldn't get any glasses he went back to your room. He saw Chara sitting on your bed. 

Chara stated to hiss but changed her mind. When tommy sat down, he patted his lap for Chara to sit on. She went oh his lap and started to purr. Tommy then laid down and Chara climbed onto his chest. Tommy pulled up the blankets and Chara's head just went under. Tommy was verry happy with his personal heat pack and started to drift back to sleep.

When you woke up you went to check on the sleeping prince. You saw him passed out with Chara and raised your eyebrows at the happy cat. She glared back at you. You mothed back a 'not accusing you of going soft' and chuckled to yourself as you left the room. You started to make breakfast as you saw the sleepy prince walk into your room in your dressing gown. You chuckle as you look him up and down. 

'I guess hese not a morning person.' You thought as he sat down and fell down face first. You stifled a giggle as that happened but completely lost your shit and doubled over laughing when he said, "stupid body won't do what I tell it too." You fell to the floor in laughter, and he stared at you before laughing as well. You got back up and continued to make eggs for breakfast.

He watched in awe as you perfectly made eggs for breakfast. You filliped the eggs in the pan, and he watched in awe as you used your magic to make it fall back onto the plate. You pored glasses of orange juice for him and a glass of whiskey for yourself. Youd need it. you took him to the library and got him a special compass. You gave it to him. 

It pointed to a special block next to your door. This way he could find you again. Humans were bad but this one was nice. You helped him pack up and get his things ready. You decided to lend him your normal horse so he could get home faster. He was also afraid of getting yelled at by someone called dadza. 


 When you were packing him a satchel you could see him cooing over Chara and you could see Chara enjoying it. You cleared your throat and he jumped to look at you.

"I wasn't acting soft; I was showing this cats who's the dominant one."

Chara then jumped on tommy and as he fell over, she meowed loudly.

"So, I guess Chara's the dominate one?" you aid as tommy went red from embarrassment and anger and you regretted saying that because for the next half hour, he was ranting bout how hese an alpha male. You laughed when he finished his rant and gave him an Appel to eat before he left.

"shi- dammit" tommy quickly figured out that when she was around others this sort of language didn't exist. Tubbo used to be a bean before the turff wars started. tubbo was an ex-bean but now that tommy found y/n they were the new bean. This one didn't eve use cuss words!

"what is it?" you asked.

"I need fish, or dadza is going to kill meeeee." Tommy whined. You chuckled and got out a map. There was a really good lake near here and when you proposed the offer that you could take him fishing his thank you's probably took at least five minutes.

 Being a royal he didn't really need to do fishing or that sort of thing before. He had lived in full comfort his whole life, hell the only reason he was out was because he was visiting the bee kingdom.

You were fishing together when he finally got one. Which a magpie stole instantly. You laughed as tommy raged and said something that made you mad.

"magpies are the worst birds."



"seagulls are the worst."

"oh really? Why?"

" let me tell you a story. . I said, "Seagulls...mmgh! Stop it now!"

"That's all, it's not that bad."

"before I left Everyone told me Not to stroll on that beach Said seagulls gonna come Poke me in the coconut And they did, and they did."

"Why were the seagulls that bad?"

"Nothin' I could do but yell When these birds attacked me. When I tried to run, I fell And then these kids start laughing. And then, hmm. Got hit in the neck with a hacky sack. Where'd it come from?"

"That sounds traumatic, but they didn't do anything to me."

"Listen boy. Someday when you are older you will get hit by a boulder. While you're lying there, screaming, "god help me please!" The seagulls, will poke your knee s."

"well then." Tommy said not knowing to say. You didn't laugh. You're hatred for seagulls are immaculate and are more solid every day you live. He and you talked and after getting sixteen fish you took him back to your e house to get a horse. You were walking and laughing. You saw a log and decided to flip it over. 

There was a little stick under the log and tommy said, 'that log had a child'. You doubled over laughing and smiled at tommy who looked back and decided to keep the stick to 'remember this moment'. You giggled as you got to your horse pen. 

You helped load your hose and tommy swelled up and told you that he would be back soon and that when he was back, he would get you to teach him to do all the sort of survival things you know. You decided to make him make a book of all the things he wanted to learn.

He agreed and started off on the horse. He waved and looked back to see you as much as he could before the trees swallowed the view of you up. You went inside and started to make lunch.

G r i l e d   c h e e s e   s a n d w i c h.

you got the bread and cheese and put it in a pan over a fire. You then head to your room to pick a tunic that didn't smell of fish. You get changed into the fine cotton and make sure to take you're grilled cheese off the fire. As you took a bit the thing melted into your mouth and was so delicious that you melted with it.

You head to the library and take down your favorit book. You read for hours, and you realise that at one am you read for too long. You head back to your cabin and decide to go to bed without dinner. Chara was already asleep on your bed and as you drifted off you thought of, you're brash friend.

 Chara was already asleep on your bed and as you drifted off you thought of, you're brash friend

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