Me: "But her just so cute & I couldn't wait.. And technically it's been 4.."

August: "After."

Me: "I sorry." I said in a baby voice.

August: "Thats all you mama." He took her & I got her stuff. "Ready?"

Me: "Hell yeah."

We walked out & he put her in her car seat. I got in the passenger seat, he got in the driver seat, then we strapped up. He started the car up & pulled off.

August: "I love yall." He said grabbing my hand.

Me: "We love you too."

He locked out fingers & I looked down. We didn't put our rings on our fingers. We put them on our necklaces. Like I did for my promise ring.

August: "When we bringing lil one back home?"

Me: "As soon as her nationality papers come back. They should be here within the next 3 days."

August: "Good."

*That night.*

I woke up to cries from Majesty. I got up & went into her crib. I picked her up & she continued to cry. I gave her the pacifier & went into the kitchen. I made her a small bottle & stepped outside. I took the pacifier out & lifted her up a lil. I fed her the bottle & she held onto my pinky finger.

Me: "Funny looking baby of mine. You get it from your daddy." She just kept drinking. "You don't even want this, do you?"

She stopped drinking, so I took it out. I picked her up, put her on my shoulder, burped her, then went back in the house. I put her in her crib but she started crying again. I sighed & picked her up. She's spoiled. While we were in the hospital, she had to sleep on my chest or either holding onto my pinky when she was in the bin. If not, she didn't sleep. But she kinda stopped, now she can sleep the first half of the night alone as long as Aug put her to sleep then wakes up & cries, then I let her sleep with us. She sleeps as long as I sleep if she's laying on my chest. Her lil feet be all in my face.

Me: "The second you kick me, we fighting lil monkey."

I picked her up & got in bed. I put her on Aug's head then got comfortable then put her on my chest. As soon as I laid her on my chest, she kicked me.

Me: "Monkey, go to sleep. Got Aug's pettiness too." I laughed to myself & kiss her forehead.

After that I was out like a light. Majesty ass done wore me out.

August POV

I woke up with Majesty on my chest. As soon as I woke up, her eyes opened. I laid her back down & got up. I went to brush my teeth & wash my face. When I came back, Majesty was wide awake, sucking on her fingers.

Me: "You always suckin on yo fingers."

I picked her up & kissed her all over her face. I walked outta the room & Bri was in the kitchen.

Bria: "Good morning love bugs."

Me: "Good mornin mommy." She smiled & kissed me.

Bria: "Guess what I got?"

Me: "What?"

Bria: "Majesty's papers."

She took Majesty & got her bottle.

Me: "Dat quick?" She nodded. "Well damn."

Bria: "Your food's on the stove."

Me: "You ate?"

Bria: "Yeah, earlier."

I just nod & make my plate. I sat down at the table & blessed the food. After I finished, I started eating then remember I got some to bring up.

Me: "Bri.."

Bria: "Yeah?"

Me: "Guess who got an invite to da Day Time Emmy?" Her eyes widened.

Bria: "You lying!" I chuckled. "You got nominated for something?"

Me: "No but you did." She frowned.

Bria: "What?"

Me: "Yep. Not only dat, you are, accordin to Met Gala, the #1 fashion dresser thing thing." She giggled a little.

Bria: "Why are you lying?"

Me: "Check your email then."

She looked at me with squinted eyes & grabbed her phone. I laughed but on some real shit, the past year, she been working her ass off. At one point, she was never home. Between photo shoots, substituting classes & the fashion thing, plus carrying a baby, shit, I admired her ass. Vogue called her a fashion icon & then that opened the door for people to hit her up for her to start designing clothes. She designed for 6 months.. And now getting an Emmy for that shit. In my mind.. That's really amazing.

Bria: "Oh my god..."

Me: "You did dat, beybeh." She smiled.

Bria: "Thank you."

Me: "So when do you wanna leave?"

Bria: "Did Kirk & nem set up at home?" I nodded. "Amanda decorated?" I nod again. "Mama A checked behind them?"

Me: "Yes, beybeh, they all good. You're worrying."

Bria: "Then we can leave after 2 weeks. It's been 7 months Aug. I'm not worried, I'm just nervous."

Me: "Why?" I asked getting up.

Bria: "Cause.. The airport with flood with paparazzi & Bria doesn't have time for that."

I put my dish in the sink & washed it, then sat back down. Agnes came to me & played with my toes. She so damn hyper.

Me: "Well, that's gonna happen regardless. Stop Agnes."

Bria: "keep playing, Agnes gone rip yo toe off."

Me: "And dats da day you lose yo dog." She gasped.

Bria: "I'm telling! You threatened a dog!"

Me: "I don't give a fuccck Keisha."

She busted out laughing, making Majesty cry.

Bria: "Get yo monkey child."

Me: "You gone stop callin' her a monkey."

Bria: "That's what she is."

Me: "Watch, she gone get witcho shit. And dirtball yo ass." I said picking her up.

Bria: "Nope, she can't. Cause her loves me."

Me: "Ain't no love bih."

Bria: "Don't be mad cause she's half monkey." I shook my head. "Her nickname is now Mookie."

Me: "Some wrong with yo moms, okay?"

Bria: "I'm with your crazy ass.. I have no choice."

Me: "Oooooh, ouch." She laughed.

Bria: "See, issues."

I just looked at her. She started laughing & got up.

Bria: "I love you baby!" She yelled walking out.

I got up & followed her.

Me: "Bath time & that's all you mama."

Bria: "Aug.."

Me: "I love you."

She rolled her eyes. She gave Majesty a bath then stripped to take her shower.

Me: "Lemme take yall picture."

She turned & posed. I showed her the picture & took Majesty.

Bria: "Cute as a button."

I shake my head & start putting lotion on Majesty. I made silly faces & she smiled at me. Daddy's little princess.

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