"And this must be Nectarine." Buck gestured to a young mammoth who looked almost identical to your older sister.

"Um...Peaches." She corrected with a soft smile.

"Semantics, my dear. I'm deeply honored." Buck bows to Peaches and kisses her trunk. You hopped up right next to him.

"Peaches!? This can't be the same baby niece I got to meet right before I left! She's so much older and mature! Just as beautiful as her mother!" You teased with a sad smile on your face.

"You must be my infamous aunt Y/N! Mom has told me story's of you two when you were kids, I've always hoped that I would get to meet you one day." Peaches pulled you in for a hug. A slight pang tugged at your heart as you realized how long it's actually been since you left.

"Sweet eyepatch! Very gangsta!" Next to Peaches was a young male mammoth, that looked to be around the same age as her. You pieced together that the two were a couple from the look of annoyance on Manny's face.

"Thank you! I like this kid." Buck pointed to the young mammoth, looking at Peaches.

"Buck! Y/N! What are you two doing here?" Manny asked, walking over.

"We'll I-" Buck paused and turned to a tree stump " What? I'm trying!" He slid over to it.
"I'm trying! But how do you tell someone they're doomed!?" Buck looked back at the mammals "He's stumped." Buck shrugged and then bursted out into laughter at his own joke. You rolled your eyes but smiled non the less, walking over to him.

"We're not doomed Buck. It was just a meteor shower, and the shows over." Manny explained. You and Buck both hoped on his tusks causing him to jump back in surprise.

"Oh, quite the contrary, old chap." Bucks voice lowered as he looked the mammoth in the eye. "It's just the beginning."

"You see," Buck pulled you by your waist against his side, "We found a prophecy." You both gestured to the tall stone that you brought up from the underground. The sound of drums slowly grew louder as they all took in the stone. Crash and Eddie's drum sticks were pulled away from them by Manny causing the music to stop.

"Do ya mind?" Manny said as Crash and Eddie looked at him upset.
"Boy, he really sucks the fun out of everything, doesn't he?" Crash complained.
"Fun sucker!" Eddie yelled at Manny.

"We read this tablet front to back, the story it tells is very disturbing." Buck walked up to the stone and gestured to it. You walked up next to it on the opposite side.

"You might wanna brace yourselves." You smirked.

You and Buck went on to explain the tablets prophecy, watching as everyone's reactions shifted with each word.

Crash and Eddie walked up to the tablet. "Stupid mammals." Crash giggled.
"That's us." Replied Eddie. Crash gasped in realization at what the story actually meant.

Buck hummed and looked up towards the sky peering at a speck of purple light in the sky.
"Yep, And there she is! The mother of all asteroids screaming towards us! Even going underground won't save us this time." Buck crossed his arms and turned with a satisfied look on his face.

"Hey, that wasn't there before." Diego peered up at the light, "and look at what it's doing to the sky." The purple speck of light only seemed to grow larger by the second. The sky around it looked was painted a brilliant pinkish hue as clouds seemed to part ways to make room for the asteroid.

"No worries!" Buck reassured, "because I've got a plan!" You looked over at Buck with accusing eyes. Buck coughed awkwardly and pulled you against his side once more. "We've got a plan!" He corrected.

Love Shall Always be an Adventure (sequel to "Love is an Adventure")Where stories live. Discover now