Meeting the Host Family

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Mrs. Takahashi walks into the room. She has an announcement to make so she addresses the students. "Students, I'd like to make an announcement that concerns you all. This school is going to do a foreign exchange student program. We will be sending one student to study in America. You'll be there from one year to three. All I can say for sure is that you'll be back in time before you graduate." The students start to whisper amongst themselves. Mrs. Takahashi says, "Quiet please." and waits for the students to quiet down before she continues. "Now, who would like to participate?" Almost every hand is raised. She continues, "The only requirement is that you have a good grade in English since you're going to America."

Most hands go down after that. One of the few still raised is Kagome's hand. Since she hasn't been able to return to the feudal era after she made the right wish, she's been able to attend school and has amazing grades. Mrs. Takahashi says, "Ah, Miss Higurashi, what a surprise, one of our highest scoring people. Alright, we'll have you be the first student to go." Then she continues to say, "Alright, head to the front desk to get more information, then you may head home for the day to start preparing to leave. You should leave either tomorrow or the day after."

Kagome then heads to the front desk and says that she's been chosen as the student for the exchange program. The front desk hands her more information and a plane ticket set to depart later that night at about 8 pm. So Kagome begins to walk back to her family's shrine to tell them about the program and start packing. Upon such short notice they're a little taken back but support her fully. So Kagome goes to her room and begins packing her bags.

Sota is upset to see his sister go, but he decides to think of it as if she's gone to see Inuyasha for a long period of time again. After she's been deciding what to bring and packing all day, she's ready to go by 6:45 pm. They leave for the airport, all the Higurashi's towing a bag with them. They get to the airport and see Kagome off because they can't go all the way in with her since she's leaving. Kagome is a little sad that she won't see her family for a while. Then she considers her situation and thinks, 'at least the exchange program lets me sit first class so I don't have to worry about being alone, and the flight attendants can make sure I'm safe easier.'

Kagome decides to get comfortable because she's got a 9 hour flight ahead of her. She falls asleep and sleeps through some of her meals. Once she awakens, there's about 2 hours of the flight left. So it's about 3 in the morning. She decides to watch a movie and that lasts about an hour and a half. After her movie it's about 4:30 AM, so the flight attendants bring around the first class passengers breakfast. Kagome finishes every last crumb of her food, as is customary in Japan to appreciate the work of the people who processed everything to make the breakfast.

Some of the flight attendants seeing the plates of Americans that were visiting are upset seeing they didn't study the culture before visiting. It made them upset seeing some of the food untouched. But they let it go since they're foreigners. They officially landed at 5:46 AM. After going through the baggage claim, and getting outside to the entrance, Kagome looks at her papers to see who to look for as her host family. She sees the name says the Hart family.

As there were pictures provided she looked around for them at the airport. When she spotted them she began walking over to them. She greets them with a bow. Then she says, "Nice to meet you, please excuse me if I have a slight accent, I'm Kagome Higurashi, the exchange student staying with you. Thank you for being my host family, this is an amazing opportunity for me." Then she stands up straight again from her bow. Mrs. Hart says, "Nice to meet you, knowing some of Japan's culture, would you prefer if we called you Higurashi or is the American way of using your first name okay?"

Kagome responds, "The American way is fine, I'll need to get used to other people who don't know the culture calling me Kagome anyways." Mrs. Hart says, "Alright then, welcome to California Kagome, we live in Angel Grove so you'll be attending that high school with our daughter." Kagome responds, "Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Hart for your hospitality. Although, if I may be so bold to ask, where is your daughter?" Mr. Hart responds this time, "She's staying at a friend's house tonight, so this is kind of a surprise that you're staying with us, so I hope that you'll get along well at school."

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