Chapter 1

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    "Thanks for letting me perform at the Hard Deck tonight," I say to Penny as my crew starts to unload equipment and put together a makeshift stage.

"No problem hon," Penny says as she winks and smiles at me. Even though it's been a while since I've last seen her, I knew that she would let me perform here tonight. I am pretty fortunate that I'm even here. I thought to myself as I turned to help unload my instruments. Come on Anna, now's not the time to think about that mission you were just on. Besides, you're also here because you've been called back to Top Gun.

"You good Anna?" One of my bandmates asked as I stared off into space.

"Yeah, just gonna quick step outside and catch a breath of fresh air," I replied as I briskly walked out the doors of the Hard Deck. I walked out towards the beach and crossed my arms as I felt the cool breeze of Coronado gently blow across my face. Being at the beach always had this calming effect on me, like the waves were teasing me to jump in, the breeze playfully acknowledging that I was there, and the warm sand providing a warming comfort. I closed my eyes as I took a deep breath, and then started walking back to the Hard Deck.

"Hey Anna, we were just about to begin our soundcheck." Our sounds guy said as I nodded and took the stage. Hopefully, my band and even just myself will gather some reputation from doing this gig. I thought as I tapped the mic to make sure it was on. The signal was given to begin, and I began to sing a cover of a song that we were gonna play later tonight. As our soundcheck ended, I looked over to see Penny clapping her hands before she went back to wiping off the bar. I smiled and prepared for the customers to pour in. Once the bar was about full, I began to sing. We performed many songs, and then finally closed with a cover of That's What You Get by Paramore. We were rewarded with hoots, hollers, whistles, and lots of loud applause. I smiled and thanked everyone who came out tonight and gave a shout-out to Penny. My crew and I began packing things away when I heard loud and brash laughter. I looked over and saw two pilots laughing in the game area. That's kind of odd. I thought. But then again, the naval air base is not far from here. Of course, I knew this was a hot spot for navy and army recruits, but these pilots had on the uniform of a naval aviator. Just like me. I turned back to putting our equipment away when I thought I heard the voice of my cousin, Natasha. I quickly turned my head again, and sure enough, she was there accompanied by two other naval aviators as they walked to the game area where the others were. Okay, there's no coincidence now that a bunch of the best fighter pilots are all gathering here. I thought to myself. A couple more walked through, and I quickly began to pack up my equipment before heading out into the crowd.

"Bradshaw, is that you?" I heard Natasha yell. Bradshaw!? I thought to myself. The last time that I had seen Bradley was, well, I couldn't even remember. I instinctively clutched my watch on my wrist and remembered when my uncle gave it to me.

"This watch is, was one of my good friends." Uncle Pete said as he looked at it in his hands. "I want you to keep this safe for me." He said as he put it on my wrist. I curiously looked at it, and gently ran my finger along the face and the worn bands.

"Why are you giving me a watch, Uncle Pete?" I asked as I looked up at my uncle with big eyes.

"Because I don't trust myself enough to keep it safe myself." Uncle Pete said sadly.

"Why didn't you give this watch to Bradley?" I asked. I felt bad after asking because it looked like my uncle was close to tears.

"He's not ready yet." My uncle said, "Now come on, let's go enjoy the party." Uncle Pete said as he kissed my head, and carried me back, with me still staring at my new watch.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard a bell being rang, and a loud cheer arose from everyone. I began walking towards the bar when I was accidentally shoved. I felt a strong arm catch hold of me, and I was turned around to face none other than "Bradshaw!?" I exclaimed as he stood me back up.

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