sleeping together

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i seated in my chair with bill looking at me he looked mad for no reason his eyebrows were frowned and he looked like he was about to burst "you okay?" i asked bill and sat down

bill clenched his jaw and looked at my chest zooming and staring hard his fist were red he was breathing heavily "bil-" he cut me off and stood up "i'm just gonna go in my car real quick" he whispered i just nodded and waited.

i forgot i left my purse so i went out to tell him or grab it myself, i saw the windows were fogged up? i looked the the back mirror where it wasn't foggy and i saw bill jerking off again?

i looked closely and heard whimpers. "fuck fuck oh my fuck elizabeth suck my cock!" bill was saying, i chuckled and i opened the door "SHIT ELIZABETH SORRY I UHM" bill stuttered "need help?" he confusedly tilted his head as i grabbed him cock slowly

i placed his tip in my mouth swirling my tongue "fuc-" bills white substance blew all over my face like crazy "damn you cummed that fast?" i laughed and continued to suck him

"fuck elizabeth your so good." he whimpered pushing my head deeper in his cock using his hand i looked up at him giving him doe eyes. he whimpered louder

he kept breathing heavily his arms gripped on the armrest trying to breathe.

after minutes he came again, "alright that's enough" i said and smirked "i never knew you gave blowjobs that good" bill said as he buckled his belt

"i'm just good" i said wiping his cum off me, "let's go inside now our food is probably ready" i said to bill as he nodded.

we both walked inside again i saw bill still catching his breath "damn ur still hard?" i joked to bill "maybe" he grinned as we sat down

"maybe later" i winked at him, he slowly blushing making him turn red it was funny i laughed quietly as we sat down

"here you go" the waiter says placing our food down the table, "thank you jóse" bill said curving his mouth into a smile.

he grabbed a fork and sliced the meat and chopped it onto his mouth chewing, i did. the same and enjoyed the food, the place was so fancy it was surprised at how good bill finds such good restaurants.


i finished eating my steak and took a napkin and wiped my mouth with it, "i am full!!" i said as bill laughed "same here" he said signaling the waiter to come for the check

the waiter grabbed the check and placed it on the table, bill slowly took out a 100 bill and 5 more 100 bill

bill smiled and gave the check back to the waiter "thank you sir for the tip as-well." the waiter gladly said and went back "how much was it?" i asked bill "400 dollars but i gave him 500 with a 100 tip of course." bill smirked and fixed his tie before getting up

"alright let's go?" bill asked me before we stood up "yup" i said and got up

bill quickly ran and opened the passenger seat for me signaling me to go inside, i got in and tucked my dress in the seat so it won't wrinkle.

bill got in aswell smirking at me, i curled my mouth into a smile before buckling my seat belt nice and tight.


i opened the front door exhausted i took off my skrappy heels and threw them on the floor sighing heavily from how relaxed my feet finally were..

"you tried?" bill said placing his arm on my waist kissing the back of my neck, i felt his hot breath touch my soft skin felt great he rubbed my waist and kissed my side neck gently.

"bill.." i muttered pushing my head down "mhm princess?" bill whispered wrapping both his arms on my waist "i'm tired." i said moving my body to him "alright then" he said as he picked me up in a bridal way

"what are you doing?" i said confused looking down at the floor "just making my way to our bedroom" he joked grinning "our? bill stop it take me to my room!!" i said trying to jump

bill just scoffed and smiled in a sinister way, i let my hands fall and wrapped my hands on his neck and rested my head in the curve of his neck. i felt his chest breathe and move it made me calm down for some reason.

bill opened the door and i noticed we were in his room. "bill this is your room!" i yelled, "yeah and your going to sleep in it" bill said and threw me on his bed as he locked the door

"bill what the fuck!!" i said moving my self up "relax we wont have sex." he joked making his way to his bathroom closing it shut. "i fixed my hair slowly and just accepted it i mean i could just go but the door was locked

i looked around and saw a closet, i went inside and changed in a tight black split skull shirt and some shorts that were hard to find.

i placed them on myself and threw my dirty clothes on the laundry basket. i walked out the room and saw bill half naked with a towel wrapped around his waist while his upper body was naked.

bill has sharp ribs his abs were hardly spotted but he had a good body.. "you stare much?" bill chuckled and walked over to his closet "you look good in my clothes" bill said grinning and went inside his closet

i rolled my eyes and jumped in the bed covering myself in the blankets. i looked around and saw bill finished changing, he wore a stripped black and white skinny pajamas with a grey sweatpants, i closed my eyes as i felt him plop in the bed with me.

i slowly turned to my right and placed my hand up under the pillow and buried my tired face in the pillow, his bed was comfy so i felt great

"goodnight princess."

bill whispered in my ear,"goodnight" i whispered back. it made me slightly blush as i rested my eyes.

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