a date once again

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i went inside my room and flew to my bed and rested my head and looked around my room

i didn't knew what to do yet and was still bored until i heard the front door unlock and heard some group voices yell "we're home bitches!!" gabby yelled from downstairs.

i squeaked and ran down the stairs, i saw gabby dress flowing as i peeked! i jumped and hug gabby so tight i swear i thought she couldn't breathe for a sec.

"damn chill girl!" she laughed hugging me back "where were you i missed you so much!!" i yelled "i went out with gustav" she smiled tucking her hair behind her ears, "your really going out it..." i joked making her slowly giggle

"hey elizabeth" gustav said opening his arms for a hug, i hugged him back tightly before pushing back to speak to him "i've missed you too!" i responded i was bored i wanted to hang out with them at least.

"wanna hang out?" i asked gabby, "sorry girl i just went out with gustav and i am tired as fuck!!!" gabby shouted slightly and run up the stairs not looking back whatsoever.

i rolled my eyes and sighed deeply, what about bill? i grabbed my phone and dialed bills number. he quickly answered! "hey princess whats up?" bill said in a deep quiet voice "nothing much just wondering if you wanted to hang out?" i asked bill waiting for an answer

"of course, i"ll pick you up at 6 look pretty for me ight." bill said before hanging up i beamed in excitement and looked at the clock. it was only 4:58 i smiled since i still had some time and hurried upstairs

i opened my bedroom door and went to the bathroom undressing myself. i hopped in the shower and showered fast

i got up and finished showering and wiped my dripping body with my warm towel as i wrapped it around my waist, i wrapped a smaller towel for my hair

i finished and picked out a good outfit, i grabbed a red tank top with spikes and a mini black skirt along with a red leather jacket.

i sat down in my vanity and placed some makeup on my self, i decided o do a cat eye since i already had siren eyes, i also did some blush and a good amount of red lipstick on my lips, i smiled at myself and checked the clock

[ 7:43 ]

wow i got ready pretty early! i got up and went downstairs on the couch waiting for bill to call me.

[ 7:57 ]

the front door opened and i saw bill standing
i hurried and hugged him tightly "aw i missed you princess" he softly whispered and rubbed my back slowly "your so warm!!" i joked laughing? bill smiled and pushed me a little to speak

"you look good.." bill said looking up and down at me "goodness i love you" i said chuckling "you ready?" bill asked "where we going though?" i asked bill tilting my head a little "somewhere far." bill slightly smiled and shook his head to go with him

i nodded as he held his hand out i placed my hand in his and as he pulled me i felt safe, he opened the passenger door for me and pointer for me to go in, i gave him a small peck on the cheeks before going inside

i sat and buckled my seatbelt and noticed bill was in his chair, i sighed quietly and readying myself i SHAVED obviously i mean just in case.

i flipped my hair and switched my left hair to my right and sat more properly, "how have you been?" bill asked turning his head towards me "good so far" i responded "thats great" bill said keeping his eyes on the road


we reached the venue and before i opened the car door bill stopped me and hurried to open the car door for me. "thank you bill." i half smiled making him fully smile

a man from the counter randomly ran towards us "hello MR kaulitz how may i help you?" he looked at both of us and waited for an reply

"just a medium steak and for my date?" bill looked at me "just the same please" i said as the waiter nodded and wrote everything then went to the kitchen.

we both sat and we sat right next to a big window with tree branches and bushes which were fake and displays, the view was great

i sighed and looked over to bill who was admiring me deeply.

"wow bill i didn't knew you stare at people heavily." i jokingly said "only for you" bill said and winked, WHAT!

i smiled and looked down blushing
i couldn't help but fall slowly with him and his twin, i didn't knew who i wanted tom or bill?
i laughed quietly knowing their wont be such questions like that.

"why you laughing?" bill asked grabbing my chin "just uhm some random thing my bran made me see" i lied "oh alright beautiful" he even making me blush crazy i almost looked like a tomato.

"your red." bill said as he giggled "i just uh- bathroom!" i excused and ran to the bathroom and ran to a nearby empty stall and sat on the toilet seat, i breathed deeply and thought maybe bill? no tom but he fucking raped me? he apologized thought? but i cant accept it? but bill is more nice but bill fooled me once. but i don't know.

i looked around and stood up to wash my hands, i looked at my self my cheeks were red cherry red to be exact, my lips were pumped. weird.

i inhaled and as i washed my hands i saw a beautiful brunette girl who had short but curly hair, she wore a black dress that covered her whole body and a necklace "T" weird?

i continued to wash my hands, "hey i've never seen you before?" the girl asked looking at me "oh uhm im just here for a date so i'm new!!" i gladly said "wow well im guessing your with gustav schaver?" she questioned "no i'm here with bil-" she cut me off "georg listing?" she said tilting her head

"no!" i said confused "oh well who?" she asked "bill kaulitz" i said quietly "oh wow bill kaulitz! my future brother in-law" she said excitedly

"what do you mean by that?" i asked confused thinking it was some crazy tom fan "i'm dating Tom Kaulitz." she said coldly "wh-what?" i asked confused

"you didn't know?" she said "well uhm i just didn't know and plus i've met all 4 of them and they never told me about you?" i said

"well that's crazy tom always talks about me!" she said, i got annoyed and just nodded and walked off thought it was really a crazy tom fan who was just delusional about her and tom getting married..

i opened the bathroom door and before i left i heard her speak "i'm tasha by the way, don't forget me!" she squawked, i rolled my eyes and just went out the bathroom.

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