27: Knowing Thy Ally

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Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke: *In a shocked tone* "What?! What do you mean? They already viewed us like that because of that rule?!"

Sakamoto Mio: "Lucchini attempted to initiate a conversation with one of the troopers, but it seemed as if she was talking to a brick wall. Despite her best efforts, the trooper seemed unresponsive and uninterested in conversation. Suddenly, the trooper stood up and walked out of the room, citing the non-fraternization rule as the reason for his departure. As Lucchini approached him, the trooper swiftly raised his weapon, warning her to stay away from him. His fellow troopers quickly followed suit, as the sound of multiple gun safeties clicking off could be heard. This encounter left Lucchini feeling quite disheartened and depressed."

Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke: "They did what to Lucchini?! What's their names?!"

Sakamoto Mio: "I'm not entirely sure. The armor he wears looks identical to the rest of the group's - white and blue. However, let me pose a question to you: if I were to pour the same amount of sake into 10 identical glasses, would you be able to tell the difference between them?"

Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke: "No... But... Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?!"

Sakamoto Mio: "The incident that happened wasn't particularly serious, as the person in question followed the regulations. However, their behavior was a cause for concern as they took things to an extreme level. Despite this, we have decided to bring them on board as they have indisputably effective skills. The only challenge we face now is gaining their trust, which is proving to be quite difficult."

Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke: "What if he or they raise their guns at me? You do know they can eviscerate me in seconds! What if they mistake me for a Neuroi or a spy?!"

Sakamoto Mio: "Have you ever found yourself in a situation where one rule became the cause of your downfall? I recently experienced something similar, and it left me wondering about the nature of rules and how they can be both helpful and dangerous at the same time. The people I was dealing with took the rule so seriously that it felt like a trap, and their behavior towards me and my team was nothing short of hostile. It's fascinating how rules can create such stark divides between people, isn't it?"

Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke: "Eh?! You too?! That's the first time I've heard that."

Sakamoto Mio: "I am aware of some advanced technologies being used here, but unfortunately due to anti-fraternization laws, I am unable to inquire further about their functioning. As someone who is not well-versed in technology, I must admit that I am sometimes startled by the automatic opening of doors when I am standing nearby."

Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke: "Who is the Commanding officer of our upcoming reinforcements who would join us?"

Sakamoto Mio: "CT-7250."

Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke: "What kind of name is that? Are you kidding me?"

Sakamoto Mio: "They refer to each other by numbers. Not names."

Minna-Dietlinde Wilcke: "Have you ever found yourself in a dystopian world where standing in the wrong place can get you killed? Well, that's the situation I'm in right now and I'm not taking it lightly. I need to speak with the commanding officer to clear out any misunderstandings and avoid being shot at without any valid reason. We can't afford to be outsiders anymore, because if we do, we'll be at the mercy of their suspicion and orders. And let's be real, the only reason we're still alive and fighting is because of them. It's time we show them that we're not who they thought we were. But seriously, can you believe that regulations and protocols can be the death of us in the long run? What's going on in their heads?"

Upon encountering the extreme reaction of the clone troopers and battle droids, Minna finds herself in a state of shock and confusion. She is taken aback by their response, particularly if she holds the belief that enforcing anti-fraternization laws is necessary to protect the witches and uphold unit cohesion. Despite fighting on the same side, Minna fails to comprehend why the troopers and droids perceive the witches as potential traitors or spies. This lack of understanding can be attributed to the fact that Minna is unaware of the underlying factors driving their reaction, which may include factors such as prejudice, fear, or misinformation.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 07 ⏰

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