21: Training Regimen

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Galactic Alliance Training Camp, Yukari POV. 

All along the place, Hundreds of thousands of troops, tanks, and spaceships started massing on numerous bases set up by Alliance forces

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All along the place, Hundreds of thousands of troops, tanks, and spaceships started massing on numerous bases set up by Alliance forces. We could hear the roaring sounds of the LAAT gunships and their fighters in the skies non-stop. I have never seen an exponentially sizable army in my entire life and we would eventually join this new military force. 

What I find fascinating is the history of this mysterious military force that came out of nowhere. They made their debut when they saved us on Earth and our leaders struck an uneasy pact to get us out of the planet from the Siren invasion. Though some dislike them, The fact that we needed them forced the stubborn to swallow their pride to survive. Still, A mysterious and sometimes, romantic aura attracted me to fight for a nation I barely knew since our goals are pretty much the same. 

We lined up in columns as the drill sergeant arrives and he started aggressively barking orders at us. 

Colt: "I am Commander Colt of the Rancor Battalion, your senior drill instructor

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Colt: "I am Commander Colt of the Rancor Battalion, your senior drill instructor. From now on you will speak only when spoken to, and the first and last words out of your filthy sewers will be 'Sir.' Do you maggots understand that?"

Everyone (Ooarai): "SIR YES SIR!"

He started checking every single one of us as his gaze reaches upon Erwin. 

Colt: "What's your name private?"

Erwin: "Erwin, Commandant, sir!"

Colt: "Bullshit, You're Matsumoto Riko! Are bullshiting me private?!"

Erwin: "N-No sir... I..." 

Colt: "Drop and give me twenty! All of you!"

We followed orders and started doing grueling push-ups alongside the Alliance cadets. I didn't have the faintest idea about what their drill nor the army or military service was like in the Galactic Alliance. And we all got a bitter taste of it. I looked on the other side and Saunders and Pravda doing the same drill as us. Katyusha looks irritated as she isn't used to being ordered around but she too was cowed and had to swallow her pride whole. 

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