9: Period of Calmness

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3rd Person.

After the Galactic Alliance's desperate escape from Earth, More and more divisions started to be mobilized and entire sector fleets were being assembled. Factories worked feverishly as the war had begun earlier than they expected. However, These troops and warships will take time as both Clone and Droid still have a society to run and shift to their mindset for war. They have been preparing for this war, but it erupted quicker than Ironhide or other Commanders expected. 

When Fordo recovered from his latest injuries, He went to the command bridge and he discusses with all of the Clone and Droid Commanders, Generals, Captains, and Admirals to discuss their next strategy as the war truly has begun. They don't have the number to bring decisive breakthroughs but they believed they can hold out until they could bring the full might of their forces to bear. 

Ironhide: "That was a tactical and strategic defeat."

Fordo: "Not exactly

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Fordo: "Not exactly. We succeeded in our main objective of evacuating Earth's civilians, but the Sirens were just strong. I thought we could have singlehandedly ended the war in the way it should have been."

Ironhide: "Commander, The possibility of ending wars in a single battle isn't feasible. There must be a series of events that must happen to seal its fate."

Fordo: "We must strike immediately while the Sirens are still recovering from their conquest of Earth. Destroying their industry and logistics should be a good start."

Ironhide: "Good strategy, Commander. However, Our forces will remain on the defensive and continue our build-up."

Bacara: "You do realize that we will never get a chance like this? If we lost this opportunity, we won't be able to make it.

Gree: "You have points of merit, but the Sirens could replenish those losses while we still can't afford to do so. The population is shaken after the loss of their planet. We should have order in our rear first, as they will pose a serious issue in the long term."

Stone: "The civilians?"

Captain Lock: "Yes. We can reasonably sustain them, but we must integrate them into our community to help us. They will most likely still be distrustful of our presence so a small contingent of troops of their kind will handle internal security while they deal with external ones.

Bacara: "I'd rather work shorthanded than have to serve with mongrels. You've seen what they're like as officers. You want them as infantry?"

B1 Droid Commander 1: "At least the war would be over quicker. We'd win or lose horribly."

Gree: "I don't like you, clanker. But it is true."

Captain Keeli: "Their support will be a powerful asset for us, as they have certainly had insight and knowledge of something we don't."

Thire: "Other than their food, culture, and language?"

Ironhide: "We already learned that from the World Wide Web."

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