25: Upcoming Counterattack

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Planet Albenga, Crossroads, 3rd Person. 

After securing the crossroads, LAAT gunships and  Oubliette-class dungeon ships started landing to drop supplies, evacuate the wounded, collect the dead, and receive their supplies

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After securing the crossroads, LAAT gunships and Oubliette-class dungeon ships started landing to drop supplies, evacuate the wounded, collect the dead, and receive their supplies. The girls looked half-dead after the action but nevertheless responsive. It didn't take long for ARC Trooper Hevy to arrive along with his men and part of the 5th Sector Army to reinforce Fives bringing their total strength to 50,000 troops. The S.I.A. POWs were really quiet, even shaking at the clone troopers and battle droids as they restrained like animals and bound their arms, necks, and legs with steel chains. 

Clone Troopers from the 501st Battalion and their battle droid allies encircled a group of surrendered humans who had pledged their allegiance to the enigmatic Sirens and Neuroi. The mood was charged as the humans, who had turned their backs on their own kind, stood before the clone troopers and battle droids. With massive rotary blaster cannons, flamethrowers and blaster rifles aimed at their heads, and vibro-chain swords on their necks, The traitors were fearful of their reprisals.

S.I.A. POW 1: "W-We surrender! Have mercy on us!"

 501st Legion Clone Trooper 1: "That sounds like a you problem."

S.I.A. POW 2: "But we surrender!!"

501st Legion Clone Trooper 2: "Compelling story, now face the wall."

Mio Sakamoto, stern-faced and resolute, stepped forward, her voice carrying some weight of authority. Some of the clones were just waiting for the opportunity to kill them but they had their orders. This might sound not convincing but not all Jango Fett clones acted like clones as some of them are reincarnated guardsmen from various regiments, notably the Death Korps of Krieg, inhabiting the bodies of clone troopers. The Omniversal Cube and many of the instructors trained clone troopers as they became bloodthirsty, and most of their humanity was lost through their 1,000 years worth of wars in training was simulated by the Omniversal Cube during their inception. 

Mio Sakamoto: "Hold your positions, soldiers. These people have surrendered. We must find a way to resolve this without unnecessary bloodshed."

Beside her, Lynette Bishop bit her lip, casting worried glances at the huddled group of surrendered humans. The clones and battle droids were in the process of disarming them as she murmured to Yoshika Miyafuji, who stood next to her.

Lynette Bishop: "This doesn't feel right." 

Eila was sweating profusely as she couldn't predict what would happen next. This has never happened before and this is a bad sign.  As the tense standoff continued, a figure stepped out from the ranks of clone troopers. ARC Trooper Hevy, known for his gruff demeanor and unwavering dedication to duty, glared at the surrendered humans.

ARC Trooper Hevy: "Traitors don't belong to mankind! You all forfeited your right to be humans. You are all nothing more than cruel, heartless, godless sub-humans who are messing up mankind's future to serve your Xeno slavers! And I carry the judgment to the God-Emperor himself. How do you plead?!"

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